SPECIAL Newsletter
16 July 2006
The Middle East Crisis
What Can We Do?
Middle East Crisis
world observes with sorrow and concern the Middle East again being
plunged into an escalating crisis.
As spiritually
people we are reminded that the crisis presents not only an an
opportunity for service, but an obligation for us to do all we can to
assist resolve the situation as we are agents of the Divine Plan of God.
We are told that
conflict, including war, is the Divine Plan, as a becoming, for it must
eventually teach man the error of his violence, while world unity and
peace would be the Divine Plan in a phase of perfect expression.
The disciple, then,
upon disease, hunger, war, etc., as necessary vehicles through which
the Will of God is making itself known. How else is a man or the world
of men to know the Greater Purpose?
Furthermore, we
know that
world conditions such as war, poverty, famine, disease, etc., can only
be eliminated as the state of consciousness responsible for them is
enlightened by the Soul and seeks to eliminate them within itself
rather than without. We cannot blame one group, or one individual, for
any one of these existing conditions. The dictator cannot be the cause
of his dictatorship. He is, after all, only responding to the will of
the masses over whom he dictates. To rid the masses of one dictator
will only bring on another one, until the mass itself wills some other
form of government. This is one of the basic laws of the evolution of
As we consider how
to serve during the latest crisis, we know from our past that the
invocation of Divine Intervention can be successful if a strong enough
evocative activity can be established within the body of humanity.
This means that we as disciples, individually and collectively, can
immediately begin our subjective service to invoke that Divine
Intervention. It also
that objectively, wherever we can influence other members of the human
family, regardless of their religion, regardless of their beliefs - to
enter into the invocative activity at their own particular level -
whether through prayer, whether through affirmation, whatever, can be
of great aid.
Rather than
that humanity work for peace which within humanity's consciousness is,
in effect, a comfort, we could endeavour to try to bring into the
consciousness of those with whom we come in contact, the realization
that it is the common good which much be made manifest. In other
words, that it is the establishment of right relationship between all
members of the human family as brothers - the energy of goodwill - that
must be kept in our focus.
Peace, to the
human being is an effect which lets them live as they would like to
live and is therefore selfishly motivated. Invocation requires a
selfless motivation and humanity has proved time and time again that it
is capable of rising to the necessity of selfless motivation. Our task
as disciples is to assist people realise that the peace they desire is
only an outer effect of inner brotherhood.
As we encourage
others to
seek Divine Intervention, let us also encourage them to pray for the
realization within the hearts and minds of humanity of love for all.
And as we focus on humanity during this crisis, let us hold the thought
that humanity, individually and collectively, will realize the thought
and the feeling of love for people everywhere. It is this that must be
born within the consciousness of humanity in order to manifest the
outer Divine Order which is represented by humanity at its highest.
As we help people
their innate love for their brothers, we can show them the inner
realities of life, including the fact that the inner meaning of peace
and war are examples of the pairs of opposites. We can help them come
to the very important realization during this period, that they in
their thoughts and feelings can and do contribute to the world
conditions and to the world situation, and that love and hate are two
polarities of one force - with the predominant force
directing into outer manifestation. They can choose which of the two
forces they will expend and providing they choose correctly, join with
good people everywhere to save the world and bring about the perfect
manifestation of the Plan of God.
There are several good crisis meditations we can use during this time.
One is the Crisis Meditation produces by the World Service Intergroup
which is copied below.
Others include the following:
Goodwill Meditation Group - Meditation Outline
Meditation for a World Crisis by Corinne McLaughlin
Visualization for Humanity's Enlightenment Leading to Goodwill
and International Right Human Relations
Meditation Service
following meditation is for use during any world crisis situation. This
meditation will take about 7 minutes. It can be done
several times a day, but one should be aware of the level of
stimulation within one's own equipment. Too frequent use of this
meditation can overstimulate the server.
Use any process
that will
align you with your own soul and then with a group of like minded
co-workers. (It is best if this group includes at least three people
who you know are also working on the particular crisis.) This should be
done rapidly and with confidence.
Name the crisis.
Do this in
whatever way seems appropriate to you. (The test is that if you used
your name for the crisis to another person he/she would know what you
were talking about.)
Link with the
Ashram and then
the Christ
Use any process
to accomplish
this linkage that works for you
with Shamballa or Purpose
Meditate on the
Purpose which
is trying to unfold within the crisis.
Holding the
alignment between
your brain and Purpose stand receptive to the Purpose which is trying
to emerge through the crisis situation. Spend at least 5 minutes at
this point of silence.
the Purpose as abstract energy. Do not try to formulate it.
the energy of the truth as power, love and light flowing into those
agents of the NGWS who are presently engaged in the work of manifesting
the purpose in the given situation. Use whatever visualization works
for you in this process. You do not have to know these workers. We
assume that members of the NGWS are involved in the struggle. We are
energizing those who know the details of the situation with the power,
love and light of Purpose.
with the last stanza of the Great Invocation with emphasis on the lines
Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth."
Glenys Lowery
World Service Group