The Sagittarius Full Moon takes place on December 15 at 16:17  UT.

The keynote is:

I see a goal; I reach that goal, and then I see another

Commentaries on the Full Moon as well as a suggested meditation format, may be found here:

World Service Group

Festival of the New Group of World Servers

This newsletter is Part II of a special feature on the Festival of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS) taking place on 21-28 December 2005. 

In Part I we covered the following:

  • What is the New Group of World Servers?
  • Who are its members?
  • What is the Festival week?
  • And why does it fall at this particular time?
In this newsletter we discuss:

  • The immediate objectives of the NGWS
  • Extra planetary energies available to the NGWS and humanity at this time
  • A description of the cycles of the NGWS and how we can work with them to maximize our impact as we serve humanity
  • A special meditation to use during this period
The Immediate Objectives of the NGWS

  • To raise the level of human consciousness, so that spiritual reality can be introduced into world affairs.
  • The clarification of the international situation. This requires of each nation that it puts its house in order and then accepts its responsibility to all members of the human family.
  • The growth of the group idea, so that group good, group understanding, group interrelations and group goodwill replace limited, self-centred objectives.
  • To effect a balancing of forces present in the world today responsible for the widespread unrest and chaos so that humanity can achieve a point of equilibrium. This is a desperate need in the world at the present time when we witness extremes of every kind, and confrontations and polarisations. The NGWS due to their training and state of consciousness, is capable of providing that balancing factor. It does this not by revolution but by revelation and through evolution. This is because while revolution can produce only a change in the form, revelation and evolution can result in a change in consciousness so that the new forms that emerge, the forms of government, the forms of our social institutions, have a sound, permanent basis on which they can create the needed good effects for human welfare and human progress.
  • Members of the NGWS all over the world are:
    • conscious of the soul,
    • receptive to spiritual impression,
    • capable of conveying inspiration and revelation,
    • able to lift human consciousness,
    • capable of taking practical action in the place where they are according to the opportunities and the needs of their own environment.
    • Work with the energy of goodwill, that simple, practical energy which we can all contact and use in our relationships and forms of service, if we have any sense of commitment to the future of the human race.
Extra Planetary Energies Available To The NGWS And Humanity At This Time

  • The energy of Capricorn itself which is the energy of initiation and revelation. Capricorn is the constellation that brings the Spiritual Will which releases us from our form life and initiates us into the kingdom of God.
  • The energy which we are told is “augmenting” the power of Capricorn at this seven-year Festival period. While we are not told specifically what that energy might be, it would clearly carry a charge of the energy of Taurus which is the governing sign of the NGWS, providing illumination and vision.
  • Taurus is in the Pleiades and the Pleiades are connected with the active intelligent aspect of logoic expression which also influences the form side of all manifestation focussing primarily through Humanity.
  • The energy of Aquarius, the cycle into which we are now moving which will eventually enable us to create right human relationships — brotherhood on Earth.
  • Shamballa energy, the energy of organisation which will build the new world upon the ruins of the old.

A Description Of The Cycles Of The NGWS

The activities of the NGWS follow a rhythmic pattern which is based upon successive three-year periods, each building upon the last and maintaining all that has been gained.

The first year of each three years includes a process of inner re-integration and subjective conditioning and recharging. A subjective stocktaking, so to speak, goes on while the outer work also goes forward. This is the time of spiritual maturing and of essential decisions and subjective choices, which take place according to the quality aspect of the group life. It is also the time of precipitation of the next stage of the vision for which the group life is ready.

The second year of each three-year period sees the unfolding of the results of this inner vision and the inner choice. Action is taken in the perfecting and adjusting of the organised projects already under way and for the required expansion which must be initiated in order that the incoming life can find expression without its potency causing disruption. In this period personnel problems are resolved and financing must be planned. It is during this period that the outer organisation is given renewed attention.

Then in the third year all this must bear its fruit in action, sustained, strong, well balanced and effective. It has been said this is the time when the New Group of World Servers “strikes a spiritual blow upon the consciousness of humanity”. The outer action must carry the newly contacted forces into human consciousness and opportunity thereby be extended to humanity. The response to humanity’s invocative appeal must flow in and it becomes the business of world disciples to use every channel or inlet into human consciousness which has been created.

During this period the group itself is more directly used by the Hierarchy than at any other time. If the vision in the first period has been received without distortion and if the preparation for service in the second period has been wise and the blockages and the leaks in the spiritual organism removed or remedied, the third period will be the smoothest of the three, in outer operation. The relationships of the executive personnel must be harmonious and utterly free from criticism and controversy. The machine created for the work can and should function almost automatically. The pattern has been set and everybody is hard at work.

Here is an example of this cycle in the immediate past, the present and immediate future:


3 Year Cycle

9 Year Cycle

27 Year Cycle

















Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness









Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness




Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness




Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness












Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness




Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness









Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness




Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness




Emergence/Impact on Public Consciousness

World servers are urged to participate fully in this Festival by maintaining a meditative focus on the NGWS and its work as described in these newsletters and elsewhere.

The following meditation is produced by the Lucis Trust:


       I.            GROUP FUSION:
I am one with my group brothers and all that I have is theirs.
May the love which is in my soul pour forth to them.
May the strength which is in me lift and aid them.
May the thoughts which my soul creates reach and encourage them.

     II.            ALIGNMENT: We recognise our place, as a group, within the heart centre of the new group of world servers. Mentally extend a line of lighted energy towards the spiritual Hierarchy, the planetary heart centre; to the Christ, the "heart of love" within the Hierarchy; towards Shamballa, "where the Will of God is known".

  III.            HIGHER INTERLUDE: Hold the mind focussed for a few moments on the planetary role of the new group of world servers mediating between Hierarchy and humanity, responding to hierarchical impression and meditating the Plan into existence.

   IV.            MEDITATION: Reflect on the seed thought:
Through the impression and expression of certain great ideas, humanity must be brought to the understanding of the fundamental ideals which will govern the new age. This is the major task of the new group of world servers.

     V.            PRECIPITATION: Visualise the precipitation of the will-to-good, essential love, throughout the planet, from Shamballa, through the planetary heart, the Hierarchy, through the Christ, the new group of world servers, through all men and women of goodwill everywhere in the world, and finally through the hearts and minds of the whole human family.

   VI.            LOWER INTERLUDE: Consider the many ways in which the "power of the one Life" and the "love of the one Soul" are working out in the world through members of the new group of world servers, so building the "thoughtform of solution" to world problems.

VII.            DISTRIBUTION: As the Great Invocation is sounded, visualise the irradiation of human consciousness with light and love and power:

From the point of Light within the mind of God
Let Light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men-
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.


World Service Group
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