In Service to The One Life Using Evocative Keynotes The following evocative words contain principles, laws and qualities that aid in establishing the Spiritual Kingdom on Earth. They are needed to build character and a new world order. By choosing to align with any one of these keynotes you are linking up with other spiritual groups in the world who are meditating upon and putting these keynotes into action. This is service at a global level and aids in the planet's evolutionary unfolding. How to Choose Your Keynote Take a moment to get still and spiritually align yourself. When you are ready, begin reading the list of qualities. One may stir your heart, draw your attention or cause you to want to ponder it more. Which keynote is calling out to you? Another method of choice is to tarot the keywords. Write each one on a 3x5 index card or print them out from this page and cut them apart. Take a moment to get still and align yourself spiritually. When you are ready, shuffle the cards and spread them out with the words face down. Affirm your willingness to serve the whole of humanity by allowing one of these keynotes to change you for the better. Which card is calling out to you? (You can use this technique by yourself or together with others.) For multi-color printable .pdf file of the Keynote cards, click here
After Choosing Your Keynote Write your keynote on an a piece of paper, if it isn't already on one. Light a candle and dedicate yourself to the service of the One Life using this evocative keynote. Place the keynote where you will see it often. The quality will begin to have its effect upon your mind and heart and thus change your attitude and life. Ponder upon and embrace the quality of your keynote in your everyday life. This is an active meditation with the intent to build a new world and establish the Spiritual Kingdom on Earth. A keynote can be chosen in ritual at the time of the Goodwill Festival and used in service for one year until the next Goodwill Festival, when this process of evocation begins anew and a rededication to the service of the One Life occurs. Evocative
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