Planetary Treats and Celestial Delights During Cancer
For the Northern Hemisphere
June 21 - July 22, 2011

All times are local unless otherwise specified.

Night Sky Visitors ...

My 2011 sabbatical continues. In this abbreviated edition of the Cancer Night Sky, I offer the following to keep you looking up and tuned to the wonders above.

Clear skies,
Susan Sun

Look Up!

Planetary and Steller Treats
Sky Lights ... What's up with the planets and stars?
The Planets ... Is it a planet? What planet is it?

Universe Today ... Search for any planet; learn the latest!
Star Gazer's Show Scripts
... Fun facts about planets and stars
Celestial Delights
Experience a splendid solstice celebration any day!
What and when is Aphelion Day?
Plus ...
Sky Calendars
Moon Dances 6/1-7/1
Moon Dances 7/1-7/30
Cancer Navigation Page
The Night Sky ~ Home Page

Planetary and Stellar Treats

Sky Lights ~ Gemini

Printable Sky Lights

Celestial Delights

Celebrating the Solstice


Stonehenge is an ancient monument in England that includes a circular setting of massive stones. They were precisely aligned in relation to the rising of the sun on the summer solstice.

The Summer Solstice occurs on Tuesday, June 21, at 10:17am PDT (17:17 UT) when the Sun enters Cancer and the Northern Hemisphere of Earth is tilted most toward the Sun. It is also when the Sun's path along the sky curves the most from the NE to overhead to the NW. Image

The Summer Solstice
What's unique about the Sun and its shadows now?
What's it like at the North and South Poles during this solstice?
Learn lotsa solstice trivia to impress your friends!
Participate in a wonderful solstice celebration any day!
What's the spiritual significance of summer?
Participate in solstice global meditations.

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Happy Aphelion Day!

Image: Earth-Sun Geometry Blog

On Aphelion Day we are 94.5 million miles away from the Sun, which is 3 million miles further away than when our Earth was at perihelion.

Aphelion Day is the day that the Earth and Sun are at their furthest distance from each other. Annually during the first week of July the Earth is at aphelion, the furthest from the Sun for the year and in January it is at perihelion, the closest to the Sun for the year. In 2011 the exact time of aphelion is July 4 at 8:00am PDT (15:00 UT).

Learn More
How does distance affect the intensity, appearance of the Sun?
Why is it hotter in the Northern Hemisphere in July than in January?
Does the Southern Hemisphere have a hotter summer in January?


We build a lighted world and therein dwell ...
United in the Glory of the One!


Sky Calendars
Monthly Sky Calendars +

Monthly Lunar Highlights
(Currently Offline)


I'd like to know your thoughts about The Night Sky ...
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May your Night Sky traveling always be filled
with Celestial Delights and Treats!
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