Treats and Celestial Delights During Gemini Planetary
Treats Venus
Transits the Sun June 8, 2004 Venus Transit The orbit of Venus passes directly in front of the Sun on Tuesday, June 8, and the planet can be seen as a black dot crossing the Sun! This rare event is called a Venus transit and occurs when the Sun, Venus and Earth are all in a direct line. The last Venus transit occurred 121.5 years ago in December 1882 ... no one alive today has seen such a transit! History of Venus Transits
Esoteric Significance ~ Venus Transit
Cross Ponderings Astrological
Chart ~ June 8, 2004
This ancient prophesy says that the new world of consciousness will be born on the occasion of the Venus Passage June 5/6, 2012. A number of countries are now encouraging yearly global meditations on June 6 to prepare for the 2012 Venus transit. This yearly build-up of global energy is a global commitment intended to anchor on Earth the acknowledgement of our Oneness, the transcendence of all national, religious, ethnical, political and racial differences and the co-creation of our One World. The June 8, 2004 transit, when the light of the Sun sends the love, beauty and creativity of Venus to the Earth, marks the first of these meditations. Prepare for this passage and unified global meditation with the following links. The
Oneness Celebration
Venus Transit Venus Creates a Five-Pointed star! Like a New Moon there is a New Venus; it occurs on June 8. (See Venus Phases image below.) This particular New Venus begins a new eight-year cycle of movement for the planet, which when tracked forms a five-pointed star in the heavens! The formation of this star is completed at the next transit of Venus on June 6, 2012! (See Mayan Prophesy above) The five-pointed star symbolizes the human being, with the points representing the head, arms and legs. Four points represent the Earth, while the fifth represents the Spirit. Five makes possible the Ascension. Five Elements (points) of the Pentagram and More Cycles
of the Heart
The Venus Passage Venus
Transit and the Waning Goodwill Moon World Visibility
Map ~ June 8, 2004 ~ Venus Transit
entire June 8 transit will last just more than six hours 05:13:29
UT ... 10:13:39pm PDT June 7 O5:32:55
UT ... 10:32:55pm PDT June 7 O8:19:44
UT ... 1:19:44am
PDT 11:06:33
UT ... 4:06:33am PDT 11:25:59
UT ... 4:25:59am
PDT This Venus Transit Animation begins at the surface of Venus where heat ripples distort the scene in a shimmering heat bath. As we leave Venus and move off into space, we arrive at Earth and watch as Venus falls behind us and finally passes across the face of the Sun. Source: Sun-Earth Day Transit
of Venus March Venus drops rapidly toward the horizon in Gemini. Mid-May this blazing "evening star" is just 28 degrees** above the horizon, setting at 10:15pm, by Mays end a mere 10 degrees**, setting at 9:30pm and by June 2 she vanishes from the night sky in a solar embrace. Her rare and dramatic dance across the Sun occurs on June 8. Venus telescopic appearance changes dramatically during this time as well. Venus' Phases
The New Moon of the Goodwill Festival One cannot see a New Moon because it is in close alignment with the Sun and is hidden in its light. This cycles invisible New Moon occurs on May 18, 9:52pm PDT. To see it on May 19 would require exceptionally good circumstances and eyesight. If it could be seen, it would be found close to Aldebaran, the star of illumination and enlightenment. This Aldebaran/Moon conjunction is our invisible open doorway to the Goodwill Festival the third of the Three Major Planetary Festivals! Walk through and invoke the enlightenment of this lunar journey, which culminates two weeks later at the illuminated Full Moon/Antares doorway directly opposite, in the burning ground of Scorpius, near the heart of our galaxy! (Celestial Delights below gives detailed information about this Full Moon.) The journey begins As the Moon grows in the
provided by
our Sun,
Venus Retrograde May 20, the first day of Gemini, the baby Crescent Moon should be considerably easier to see. This sliver of a Moon, which sets just after 10:00pm, lies below Venus and Elnath creating a beautiful triangle. The star Elnath has a positional significance in regards to the Goodwill Festival. It lies in the Milky Way only three degrees to the west of the anti-center of the Galaxy, the point directly opposite the Galactic Center or Heart of our Galaxy (in the direction of Sagittarius). A special blessing comes from the Heart of our Galaxy during each Goodwill Festival. (see Celestial Delights/Goodwill Festival below) This evening is significant. It is the night of Ascension Day , commemorating the return of Jesus Christ to heaven. The Ascension prepares the way for the Holy Spirit to come at Pentecost, ten days later, the day of the apostles empowerment. This visible "New" Moon alignment is auspicious and readies us for this cycles Full Moon spiritual empowerment and service in the world. Create a sacred space and align anew. What is conceived at this time occurs deep within our being. A potential is enlivened and the seed of a new awareness is formed. Daylight Venus Snuggles with the Moon May 21 Look for daylight Venus very close to the western limb of the Moon about 25 degrees** to the east of the Sun. You can observe this planetary treat with binoculars, but extreme care should be taken to avoid accidentally looking at the Sun in order to protect your eyes. BTW: The Moon occults Venus for observers in Europe except those in far northern Scandinavia, NW Africa, Central Russia and W Asia at 12:00 UT; 5:00am PDT. International Occultation Timing Association Look Up!
Four Planets, the Moon and a Comet! May 21 the Moon climbs between Venus and the Mars-Saturn pair. Now is the time for disciplined energy. Can you create a partnership between the feminine and masculine energies in your life, one that brings out the Divine in each? Empower with wise love. Your success at this task helps the goodwill of humanity manifest on Earth.
May 22 Mars and Saturn move next to each other and the waxing Crescent Moon is a focal point between this pair to the west and Castor and Pollux to the east. Watch how these two Moon triangles change shape in just a few hours. Mars and Saturn can produce a feeling of inhibited energy, intense irritability and cold crude anger. Keep things simple, force nothing, breathe deep, relax and tame your warring nature. This lunar phase gives rise to obstacles from the past, which impede the new, growing awareness. Esoterically, Pollux represents the Soul and Castor the personality. Whats in the way of this union? It would be helpful at this time to become familiar with the uniting Principle of Essential Divinity.
May 23 the Moon moves above the Gemini Twins. The challenge continues to be overcoming duality. Saturn Slides
Below Mars ~ The Moon Moves Above the Twins
May 24 Mars conjuncts Saturn at 4:00pm PDT. (Review the Mars and Saturn insights from May22.) In the evening find the growing Moon near the Beehive/Manger star cluster (M44) in Cancer. The Moon can be seen between two bright stars, Regulus to the east and Pollux to the west, and between brilliant Jupiter the Saturn-Mars duo. Take some time to retreat and build a lighted house and therein dwell. Ponder upon your manger and your virgin birth of the Christ consciousness. Ponder upon the beehive, unity in the midst of diversity, and the part you play in group work. Saturn and Mars are found just after sunset in the west-northwest sky in the constellation Gemini during the sign of Gemini. They do an elegant dance trading places in May, with Mars moving above Saturn on May 23. The two planets are in conjunction on May 24. Both are slipping down towards the horizon. During the first week of June Saturn is only 10 degrees** above the horizon about an hour after sunset. Mars lies about 4 degrees** above Saturn and is five times fainter. You may want binoculars to spot the dim Red Planet. ... to see Saturn before it is swallowed up by the Suns glow. Mars remains in view as it appears to pull away from Saturn, which is dropping faster. Saturn sets in the beginning of Gemini at 11:11pm; Mars at 11:15pm. By its end Saturn sets at 10:00pm; Mars at 10:45pm. June 17 a brand new lunar cycle begins with the New Moon hidden in the embrace of the Suns light. The Moon returns to the evening sky as a thin crescent on June 19, when it forms a striking line just above the western horizon with Mars and the Gemini Twins. They line up from left to right ... Mars, Moon, Pollux and Castor. Create a sacred space to bring in the new cycle of energies. Tame your warring nature and wield power with wise love creating unity. Cassinis
Latest Images Red Planet
Rovers Goodwill
Fool Moon
!?! Jupiter shines overhead, high in the southwest at twilight. Youll be dazzled by its growing brilliance as the sky darkens. During Gemini watch this gorgeous gaseous planet move away from Regulus, the heart star of Leo the Lion, and move toward Denebola, the Lions tail star. The energies of Jupiter and Leo are about stimulating Higher Law, awakening right understanding and producing the greatest good. Jupiters visit with the Cosmic Lion lasts for about another four months. Jupiter sets in the beginning of Gemini at 2:22am and by its end at 1:00am. Look Up to Leo the Lion and Jupiter; open to the energies that help create a soul infused personality. June is the last month ... ... for great telescopic and binocular views of Jupiter. Can you see its four large bright moons, known as the Galilean satellites? Watch them change positions from hour to hour and night to night. If you have a new browser, you can view Jupiters Moons from different telescope types. Here's a Jupiter Observing Guide and the Transit Times of Jupiter's Great Red Spot. The
Goodwill Full Moon Grows ... May
25 27 The growing Crescent Moon visits Leo the Lion. May 25 the Moon enters the constellation Leo and lies northwest of Regulus, the Lions heart. BTW: Comet NEAT is just to the right of the Moon and fades quickly after this night. May 26 the "almost" First Quarter Moon slides between Regulus and Jupiter and on May 27 the "just" Quarter Moon moves east of Jupiter to the Lions hindquarters near the star, Denebola. Mark your calendars; the Moon and Jupiter is always a special visual treat. This lunar phase signals a balance between the light and dark moving toward the light. Ideally obstacles impeding the growing new awareness are overcome now in order that the Full Moon energy can be utilized.
Regulus is the Lion-Hearted Lawgiver who can guide humanity in expressing the love-wisdom of the Christ consciousness—the requirements of which are to love all of humanity, lead a disciplined life, recognize the divinity in all faiths and all beings, and rule your daily life with Love. It is said that Jupiter transmits cosmic forces into our solar system. Bailey EXH pg. 155 Jupiter bridges energies by bringing out the best in all. Jupiter is the benevolent one and symbol of expansion, higher mind and wisdom. Leo's highest expression is the fully integrated personality who stands out from the "herd" and is ignited by the fire of Divine Will. The one who masters Leo's energies can begin the group work of the Soul. If you haven't aligned with Leo's higher law as the Moon moves through this constellation, Denebola, the Lion's tail star also known as the Changer, may bring about swift judgment as it joins with the Moon. End
of Mays Moon Dances top-north, bottom-south, left-east, right-west
May 28 30 May 31 June 1 ~ Hmmm ... The "missing claws" of Scorpius become Libra, the razor edged path, a point of balance where neither spirit nor matter dominates. Libra demands justice and the perfect point of eqiibrium. May 31 the Goodwill Moon dances in the constellaion Libra. Choose the Way which leads between the two great lines of force! Whit
Monday ~ June 1 the "fulling" Moon approaches the burning ground of Scorpio. Prepare to be transformed as the Full Moon approaches. Mercury is lost in the glowing embrace of the Sun during Gemini. The
Moon Moves Through The Gemini Night Sky
Delights Comet LINEAR
- C/2002 T7
What are comets? ~ Where do they come from?
The Festival of Goodwill, which occurs at the time of the Full Moon on Wednesday, June 2, 2004 at 9:20pm PDT; 04:20 UT June 3, inaugurates the third of the Three Major Planetary Festivals. The energies released at the Goodwill Festival are forces of the Divine Will that affect the nations of the world. These reconstructive energies can increase the aspect of national life or they can increase the potency of the objectives of world unity, peace and progress. With the keynotes of goodwill and "humanity, aspiring to God," this festival is also observed as the Festival of the Spirit of Humanity, and as World Invocation Day. Festival in the Heavens During Gemini with each Goodwill Festival there is a festival in the heavens. It occurs as the Full Moon enters the white ether of the Milky Way. This is the place of reunion, of true kinship, the place of cosmic consciousness. It is a place within the galactic magnetic field. It is from here that we receive an exceptional spiritual outpouring into our hearts from the spiritual Sun, Sirius. This galactic magnetic field carries this blessing to ALL on Earth during this time. Its highest effect is world unity. Audio Version (1:16 minutes) An Ancient Archer Aims His Arrow The Goodwill Full Moon Lies Near the Heart of the Galaxy Wednesday, June 2, 2004 9:20pm PDT; 04:20 UT June 3 ![]() Image: TheSky Astronomy Software / Adobe Photoshop
Antares, Scorpius ... Each Goodwill Festival Sagittarius, a centaur archer, points his arrow at both Antares, the red heart star of Scorpius, and also at the Goodwill Full Moon at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, the family of 200 billion stars to which we and our Sun belong. The Milky Way is widest in Sagittarius and Scorpius because the great bulging central hub, the heart of our galaxy, is in this direction. Sagittarius sees the Vision and knows the Way to go. Antares, associated with awesome power that can be hideous or sublime, wields the Fire of God and gets your kundalini running! Scorpius influences a turning point in the life of humanity and in the life of the individual human being. It reorients the personality to the life of the Soul and later to initiation and sensitivity to the Divine Plan. Scorpius is the burning ground and is synonymous with transformation. Telescopic Pluto adds its energy to the Full Moon mix. The message of Pluto is to change or be changed! Will you resist, accept, resign yourself to or affirm the needed change and transformation of this Full Moon Festival? Biggest Full Moon of the Year If you thought the Wesak Full Moon was HUGE, at 223, 500 miles away, this Goodwill Full Moon is even BIGGER! This Full Moon is the biggest and closest one for 2004! It is only 222,000 miles from the Earth and appears 13% larger than the average Moon. This Moon is over 30,000 miles closer than the furthest Full Moon of 2004, which is just over 252,000 miles away, on December 26.
Hmmm At the New Moon a potential is enlivened deep within, when our soul goes into meditation and aligns with the inspiration of the Nirmanakayas. As the Moon grows in the light provided by our Sun, we too grow in the light of our Soul. Since this Moon is REALLY BIG and reflecting a lot more of the Suns light, I would expect that we have a greater opportunity to grow in the light of our Soul! BTW: The biggest Full Moon travels all night long next to Antares, one of the largest stars in our galaxy. How large? It is 600 million miles wide about 600 x wider than our Sun! It takes 520 years for its light to reach the Earth. Our Moon is only about 2,000 miles wide and it only takes 1-1/3 seconds for the light of the Moon to reach the Earth! Facts from Star Gazer Galactic Center Interplay The galactic center, heart of the galaxy, and its polar opposite (anti-glactic center) near Elnath and Aldebaran play a stimulating role during this cycle with their mirroring and interplay of energies. May 17, one day before the New Moon, Venus is stationary retrograde opposite the heart of our galaxy. May 19, one day after the New Moon, there is an invisible Aldebaran/Moon conjunction opposite the star Antares, which lies near the heart of our galaxy. May 20, the first day of Gemini, the Goodwill baby Moon forms a triangle with Elnath and Venus at the anti-galactic center. The Goodwill Full Moon conjuncts Antares near the galactic center. Open to the cosmic evolutionary energies that are now blessing and evolving our solar system. Full Moon and Beyond June 2 Look Up! View the Goodwill Full Moon, which lies at the heart of our galaxy! Humanity now has an exceptional opportunity to receive the cosmic outpouring of energies that activate our individual, national and global Will-to-Good. In meditation join with others on the inner planes to form and affirm a united spiritual channel that can receive and use these forces of Divine Will to make all things new, in service to the One Life that unites us all. Note: Venus disappears in the glowing embrace of the Sun today. June 3–4 The Moon moves through the constellation Sagittarius. During this time use the one pointed focus of the Archer to see the Vision and know the Way to go. As part of the Full Moon's united spiritual channel, use this window of opportunity to direct the cosmic forces of Divine Will toward healing the nations of the world. June 5–7 The waning Gibbous Moon leaves Sagittarius, enters the constellation Capricorn and approaches telescopic Neptune. During this phase of the Moon open to the illuminating influences of the entire Goodwill lunar cycle. This movement and positioning of the Moon turns your awareness toward the material world, work and service. This is an excellent time to increase your sensitivity to the world around you and be an example of goodwill on planet Earth. June 8 The New Venus crosses the face of the Sun today in a rare Venus Transit. (See Planetary Treats above.) The waning Goodwill Moon, an "almost" Last Quarter Moon, rises at 1:08am PDT and Venus passes closest to the Sun's center at 1:19:44am PDT! This Moon lies in the constellation of Aquarius near telescopic Uranus with Fomalhaut to the southwest and Enif to the northwest. This phase of the Moon can bring a crisis in consciousness. The experiences of the Goodwill Full Moon have culminated and one must now prepare for rebirth. The old must be destroyed before the new can come. Uranus helps by overthrowing established attitudes that have outlived their usefulness. Uranus makes us let go. It shakes us loose. Fomalhaut has been associated with the Archangel Gabriel whose trumpet sounds to announce the birth of Christ and the Judgment Day. Enif warns of danger in battle. Prepare to rid yourself of that which stands in the way of an expanded heart.
Crescent Moon ~ Waxing Crescent Venus June 15–16 Venus joins the last vestiges of the Goodwill Moon in the predawn sky as a morning star. June 15 this blazing planet rises around 5:10am and is visible low on the eastern horizon below the very thin waning Crescent Moon. The AldebaranPleiades pair is found between them! Aldebaran, the star of illumination, is to the south and the Pleiades, which transmit the light of God into our minds, is to the north. June 16 Venus rises with a slivery thin waning Crescent Moon around 5:05am. At this time telescopic Venus also appears as a thin crescent phase a slivery thin waxing crescent. Amazing! This is a time for conscious growth as the Moon dissipates its collected solar potential and a New Venus is born. Rebirth can occur. A new lunar phase begins June 17. Goodwill
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