Dog Days of
summer are the hottest and most sultry time of the year in the Northern
Hemisphere. Almanac makers vary in the dating of this period, which
lasts anywhere from four to six weeks ... between
early July and early September. Some English calendars now list it
as the period from July 3-August 11. Culled
From: Dictionary.com
Image: Starry
Night Astronomy Software
do we call these days the "Dog Days?"
canicular days get their name from the Dog Star, Sirius, the brightest
star in the constellation Canis Major. At this time of the year Sirius
disappears into the Sun's glow. Both heavenly bodies are in conjunction,
rising and setting at around the same time. Ancient stargazers thought
that the heat from Sirius, the brightest star in the heavens, combined
with the heat of the Sun produced the hottest weather of the year!
Even though Sirius is hotter than our Sun it is much too far away
to warm our planet.
ancient Egyptians saw Sirius as a giver of life for it always reappeared
at the time of the annual flooding of the Nile. When the star sank
in the west and disappeared from the night sky, it remained hidden
for 70 days before emerging in the east in the morning. This was
viewed as a time of death and rebirth. The Egyptians copied this
period in their funeral ceremonies. When a king died, his body was
mummified, then interred in a pyramid or other tomb. By custom, burial
took place 70 days after death, when the king was "reborn" in the
stars. Culled from
the radio scripts of Damond
The Dog
Star, Sirius is also known as our Spiritual
Sun, esoterically the
cosmic heart of our physical Sun. During the Dog Days when Sirius
disappears into the Sun's glowing light, it could be said that
our physical
Sun is embracing our Spiritual Sun! After such a celestial union
a rebirth or resurrection can be expected.
This is
the period of time Sirius disappears from the sky — sequenced
in the myth when Isis is
hiding until the birth of her son, Horus — eventually
the star reappears after Horus is born — resurrection. It is
time! Crystalinks.com/inundation
was astronomically the foundation of their [Egypt's] entire religious
system. It was the embodiment of Isis, sister and consort of the
god Osiris,
who appeared in the sky as Orion. Crystalinks.com/sirius
Days ~ Sirius Disappears from Our Sight
Our Physical Sun Embraces our Spiritual Sun

Image: Crystalinks.com
is said that all great Avatars and
evolutionary energies originate from Sirius, the brightest star in
our heavens. Today
the Sirius
/ Leo Festival, celebrated globally at the time of the Full Moon
during Leo (July
22-Aug. 22), offers a great and unique opportunity to make
contact with Sirian force.
Avatars ~ Sirius
722-724 - A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice
~ Ancient Wisdom References
659-660 - Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey
In celebration
of our evolutionary link to Sirius and in preparation for becoming
the Shining
Ones on Earth, I offer this excerpt from the Invocation
of Osiris.
I am He
who is clothed with the body of flesh yet in whom flames the spirit
of the eternal Gods. I am the Lord of Life. I am triumphant over
Death, and whosoever partaketh with me shall with me arise. I am
the manifester in Matter of Those whose abode is the Invisible. I
am the purified. I stand upon the Universe. I am it's Reconciler
with the eternal Gods. I am the Perfector of Matter, and without
me the Universe is not.
will Sirius reappear?
Heliacal Rising
conjunction of Sirius and
the Sun does not occur at the same time in all latitudes, and is not
constant in the same region for a long period, hence the variation
in calendars regarding the limits of the Dog Days. Some say the period
of the dog days lasts 20 days before and after the conjunction of
Sirius and the Sun.
2019 in the Pacific Time Zone, Sirius rises before the Sun on the last
day of July, but remains hidden in its glare. When Sirius rises above
the Sun at an altitude of 7 degrees it can be
seen. This heliacal rising of Sirius occurs August
8, 2019 in
San Francisco.
the heliacal rising: the first visible, though brief, appearance
of a star on the eastern horizon before sunrise. On the previous
morning, sunlight made the star invisible. When the rising of a star
is spoken of, it is usually the heliacal rising that is meant. In
ancient Egypt, the helical rising of Sirius coincided with the annual
rising of the Nile at Memphis. Rising
and Setting of Stars
at an altitude of less 7 degrees [above the Sun] is hidden from
our view by the Suns light. Peter
J. Clark: Heliacal Rising & Setting of Sirius
heliacal setting of Sirius (last visible setting of Sirius) in San
Francisco occurred May 22, 2019 hence,
Sirius is hidden from view for 77 days in San Francisco during 2019.
the first day of Sirius' reappearance the ancient Egyptians expected
an abundant harvest, if the star appeared bright and clear. If Sirius
appeared dull and red, a poor harvest would result. What color will
Sirius be at its reappearance this year? When
will you first see Sirius in the morning sky? Let me know!

Moon Calendar
first day of the 13 Moon Calendar, the New Year, begins on July
26. This date originally correlated to the heliacal rising of
Sirius at 19.5 latitude north.
13 Moon Calendar 28 day calendar has been in use for over 5500 years.
From the Incan, to the Druidic count, to the Egyptian, to the Essene,
to the Mayan, to the Polynesian, the 13 moon calendar has been used
throughout pre-history as the harmonic standard, and is now being
followed the world over by advocates of Galactic Culture! From
FAQ at 13moon.com
calendars that start July 26, may carry messages from the star Sirius,
through the Sun, to the Earth ... Calendars that begin January 1,
may be circulating energy from both Sirius and Vega, since the Sun
aligns with those two stars at that time. 26.tribe.net
Note: Sirius,
The New Year Star, is at its highest overhead at midnight December
31, while Vega is
located directly opposite, below the horizon, under our feet!
Sirius rises in the east, Vega is setting in the west.
Out of Time
Annually July 25th
last day of the galactic year, in the
Mayan and Galactic calendar is July 25.
(13 moons of 28 days = 364 days ~
the extra day, the 365th day, is July 25,
the "Day Out Of Time") This is a special
day for ritual, meditation and prayer.
2019 the Galactic New Year beginning
July 26, is the seventh year in the 7-year cycle,
2013-2020, of Opening the Seven Light Gates.
We open the Seventh Light Gate on
July 25, 2019, the "Day Out of Time".
Cosmic Skywalker (7/25/19
Spiritual quality of this Day Out of Time:
“Red Skywalker is … the time/space traveller
who can jump dimensions to assist you in
realizing heaven on Earth … Red Skywalker
asks you to live the new myth by bringing
this heaven to Earth in your daily life … “
Magnetic Wizard Year
July 26, 2019 - July 25, 2020
“White Wizard is the Magician, whose powers
are activated by wisdom that emanates from
the heart … wisdom that comes from an
alignment of mind and heart. An open,
trusting heart … to 'not know’ opens
the door of the mind to a deeper
understanding of the universe…”
Previous Galactic
26, 2018 - July 25, 2019
Cosmic Moon Year
“Red Moon is the cosmic seed of awakened
awareness. Consume it like a fruit, and let it
blossom within you. You are on the quest
of self-remembrance, of Godseed."
* *
Additional Links of Interest
Day for Festival and Community
~ Jose Arguelles, Ph.D.
Culture of Peace Through A Calendar of
Law of Time
September 2, 1996 -
Sirius: The Brightest Star in the Night
Credit: ROSAT, MPE, NASA, Courtesy Skyview
Copyright: University
of Leicester
is the brightest star in the night sky. Intrinsically, Sirius is
over 20 times brighter than our Sun and over twice as massive. As
Sirius is 8.7 light years distant, it is not the closest star system — the
Alpha Centauri system holds this distinction. Sirius is called the
Dog Star because of its prominence in the constellation of Canis
Majoris (Big Dog). In 1862, Sirius was discovered to be a binary
star system with a companion star, Sirius B, 10,000 times dimmer
than the bright primary, Sirius A. Sirius B was the first white dwarf
star discovered, a type of star first understood by Subrahmanyan
Chandrasekhar in 1930. While studying Sirius in 1718, Edmond Halley
discovered that stars move with respect to each other. The Sirius
system is shown above captured in X-ray light.
of July
Holiday and holy day
Our physical Sun conjuncts our spiritual Sun
and we are free to travel the Milky Way!

like to know your thoughts about The Night Sky ...
send me an email.
May your Night Sky traveling always be filled
with Celestial Delights and Treats!
Susan Sun
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