Winter Triangle
This heavenly
equilateral triangle is a landmark of the winter night sky and is formed
by our brightest night sky star, Sirius,
the giant star, Betelgeuse,
and the brightest star in Canis Minor, Procyon.
Graphic: Distant
Suns by Virtual Reality Laboratories, Inc.
top-north, bottom-south, left-east, right-west
The yellow
horizontal line is the ecliptic, apparent path of the Sun and Moon across
the sky
a path that the planets follow. This graphic shows the
dazzling night sky view of February
9, 2002 at 9:00 p.m., when Jupiter and Saturn added striking special
effects to an already stellar performance!
the Hunter with Betelgeuse at his shoulder leads the triad west
toward the horizon, the Dog
Star, Sirius, shines in the south and Procyon, the smaller
dog follows in the east.
the Winter Triangle
Look Up high
in the heavens to locate the three stars making up the belt of Orion.
The constellation Orion

If you
focus on the three stars in the Belt of Orion and follow them southeast,
will find they point to the brightest star in the heavens, Sirius
(not shown in the above graphic; see Winter
Stars). If you draw
your focus out from the middle star of Orions Belt you will find
that it points to the reddish star Betelgeuse
in one direction and to a bluish star, Rigel,
in the other direction. If you are looking at a bluish star, go back
the middle star of Orions belt and draw your focus out in the opposite
direction until you see the reddish star. Locating Sirius and Betelgeuse
gives you two of the three points of the Winter Triangle. The third point,
Procyon, is located well to the upper left of Sirius.
a Winter Triangle fun fact from Sky
and Telescope:
reason Sirius and Procyon look so bright is that they are among the closest
of all the stars. Sirius lies 8.6 light-years, and Procyon 11.4 light-years,
away from Earth. If you show them to kids whose ages are about 9 and 11
you can describe them as their birthday starsthe light they see
tonight left Sirius and Procyon around the time these children were being
about Betelgeuse? Heres what Star
Gazer has to say:
"So, is Betelgeuse also someone's birthday star? I hardly think so unless,
of course, you were born 525 years ago because when we look at Betelgeuse
this winter we are actually seeing the light that left it in the year
1475, 17 years before Columbus 'discovered' the new world. So get thee
outside and witness the wonder of the Winter Triangle."
Space Telescope - Betelgeuse - 1996
Image: Hubblesite
This is
the first direct image of a star other than the Sun. Called Alpha Orionis,
or Betelgeuse, the star is a red super giant, a Sun-like star nearing
the end of its life. The Hubble picture reveals a huge ultraviolet atmosphere
with a mysterious hot spot on the stellar behemoth's surface. The enormous
bright spot, more than 10 times the diameter of Earth, is at least 2,000
degrees Kelvin hotter than the star's surface. Note that the size of
is greater than the size of Jupiter's orbit. Rigel is the blue star
opposite red Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion.
The Ageless
Wisdom teaches us that the forces emanating from Betelgeuse and Sirius
can aid in the service of those who are spiritually
If you
just open
your heart to Betelgeuse and your crown chakra (head center) to Sirius.
Allow the evolutionary energies to flow in and take hold. May only
the Greatest Good come forth!

like to know your thoughts about The Night Sky ...
send me an email.
May your Night Sky travelling always be filled
with Celestial Delights and Treats!
Susan Sun
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