The Spring Equinox

The 2019 spring equinox in the northern hemisphere occurs Wednesday, March 20, at 02:59pm PDT (21:59 UT), when the Sun enters Aries.

It's An Equinox Full Moon Supermoon!

The spring equinox is one of the two days of the year that the Sun moves across the celestial equator, the imaginary line among the stars that lies directly above the Earth's equator circling from east to west. The Sun's crossing of the celestial equator occurs one other time, on the autumn equinox. Both times this crossing occurs, the Sun rises exactly due east and sets exactly due west!

Note: In spring the Sun springs up above the celestial equator moving toward the northernmost position of the summer solstice Sun; in the fall it falls below the celestial equator moving toward the southernmost position of the winter solstice Sun.

Celestial Sphere ~ Key Concepts


The Sun crosses the celestial equator at both equinoxes.
The Sun is ascending "springing" in March, and descending "falling" in September.

The March equinox signals the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. On this day, the sun rises due east and sets due west ... Now think about what an equinox is. It’s an event that happens on the imaginary dome of Earth’s sky. It marks that special moment when the sun crosses the celestial equator going from south to north. And it also, of course, represents a point on Earth’s orbit ...

Note: The Sun crosses the equator from south to north for both hemispheres at the March equinox, however the daily path of the noonday Sun continues to "spring up" toward the north for the Northern Hemisphere's springtime and continues to "fall" toward the south for the Southern Hemisphere's fall or autumn. (AstroViewer, no longer online, was an interactive sky map helpful in seeing this. Stellarium is recommended as an alternative.)

BTW: At both equinoxes the noonday Sun shines overhead at the equator.

On the Equinox, the Earth and Sun are in perfect balance and harmony, as the sun is centered between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and centered between earth and sky. This creates a sacred cross of balancing energy that naturally harmonizes the planet and humanity. Aluna Joy

Spring Equinox
A new healing balance comes into play.

Surprise your friends with these Equinox Facts:

At every equinox the day is really longer than the night!

The word "equinox" means "equal night," and it refers to a time when the period of daylight and the period of darkness are equal, amounting to 12 hours each. In reality it refers to an instant in time at which the Earth is tilted neither toward nor away from the Sun. Since the Earth's tilt relative to the Sun is constantly changing, the 12-hour symmetry can be only approximately true anywhere. However, if you look at the sunrise sunset times for your location, you find that it is several minutes off on this date! The date on which there is closest to 12 hours of daytime and 12 hours of dark is several days earlier ... Why? It's because the refracting or bending effects of the Earth's atmosphere alters the observed time of sunrise and sunset. The Sun rises a little earlier and sets a little later due to this effect, causing the observed equinox to precede the true equinox by a few days in Spring. In the fall it follows it by a few days. Larry Sessions for in 2003

Only on the equinox does the Sun move in a perfectly straight line across the sky.

A time exposure any other day reveals the Sun on a curving path that's concave toward the north during the warm half of the year, and toward the south during the cold months. But on March 2O the solar track is laser-straight. Bob Berman at Astronomy Magazine 4/03

You can use this day to "orient yourself."

You can calibrate your sundial, that chore you've been putting off for so long. You can orient yourself and figure out which windows of your house face where. The term "orient yourself" originally arose because if you knew which way the Orient lay, you could correctly point east. It's true, scout's honor. Bob Berman at Astronomy Magazine 4/03

The Sun's crossing the celestial equator, rising exactly due east and setting due west, has a "driving" significance in your everyday life!

If you're driving to work at sunrise and traveling east on a due east highway you will actually see the sun rise directly over the yellow line in the middle of the road. And conversely if you're driving west on a due west highway at sunset you will see the Sun set directly over the yellow line in the middle of the road. In fact I would venture to say that there will be more sun visors down on the first day of spring and the first day of autumn than on any other days of the year. Star Gazer

The spring equinox will start to occur in Aquarius in 2597.

The point the Sun occupies at the equinox creeps westward among the stars. Two millennia ago it was in the constellation Aries, and the equinoctial spot is sometimes still called "the first point of Aries." In the year 69 B.C., however, it moved into Pisces, where it's been ever since. The 25,780 year precessional wobble in our axis is the culprit. We have another 600 years before the true age of harmony and understanding, when telephone solicitors will stop calling on weekends and supermarkets will again stock tasty tomatoes. Bob Berman at Astronomy Magazine 4/03

Why Is Spring Called Spring ...
... and what does this have to do with our founding fathers?
You'll enjoy this cartoon!

Why Has the Date Changed for Start of Spring?
The first day of spring used to be
March 21. It is now March 20.
Europe experienced its most recent March 21
equinox in 2007, and won't again until 2102.

More spring equinox facts from The Seasons by the Astronomy Club of Tulsa:

The direct rays (of the Sun) are at the equator

Six months of daylight begins at the North Pole

Six months of darkness begins at the South Pole

It is the longest day of the year on the equator (autumn equinox is the longest day, again)

The sun rises due east and sets due west

Spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere

Autumn begins in the Southern Hemisphere

Global Meditations ~ March Equinox

There are a variety of equinox global meditations occurring at various times during the day. Participate in one or more of these meditations to strengthen the Light Grid of planet Earth. Those living in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres are participating in the March equinox meditations.

Equinox Exact: Wednesday, March 20, 2019
at 02:59pm PDT (21:59 UT)

Global Equinox Meditation - March 20, 2019
Begins 24 mins. before the exact solstice.
exact solstice time listed above
OR ...
Choose a time that suits you.

A 30-min. recording includes a 13-min.
guided meditation and several inspiring
musical tracks. It was designed to be used
for the 2018 winter solstice and anytime
during the new 2019 spiritual cycle. The
cornerstone of our global spiritual work
at this time is knowing who we are
and why we are here. You may want
to note down any strong images or
feelings, or elements of new spiritual
understanding that you may have
experienced during the meditation,
so that you may refer to them later
to integrate them into your daily life.
A New Earth is slowly emerging from
the depths of our immortal Self as we
reconnect with the Source of All in us.
Thank you for sharing this invitation.


International Earth Day
March Equinox ~ Original Earth Day!

Learn about St. Francis and the birth of Earth Day.
Take a moment to say the St. Francis Prayer.
Singing the St.Francis Prayer


Worldwide Didgeridoo Meditation
March Equinox ~ Sunset Your Time

This a worldwide link-up of people supporting
environmental and personal awareness.
It is held on the equinoxes and solstices.
Starting at sunset participants are asked to
play or listen to meditative music
(preferably didgeridoos) for 45 minutes
and then sit silently for 15 minutes.
(Be with us in spirit as much as you can
during that hour beginning at sunset.)
This wave meditation starts in New Zealand,
is followed by Australia, Asia, Arab countries,
Israel, Africa, Europe, with America,
Canada, Middle and South America
completing the world wide circle.
Participants Worldwide
Global Sunrse Sunset Times


Healing Our Oceans ~
Marine Meditation

March Equinox
8:00pm Your Time

This "Wave" meditation directs healing and loving
energies to the oceans of the world and will circle
the planet during this 24-hour period.
Gather for "Healing the Oceans of the World"
at a body of water or a sacred site.
The following link is related ...
Golden Water Activation Meditation
Merge with dolphin and whale consciousness.


Current and Ongoing Global Meditations


May new life sping up within you!

I'd like to know your thoughts about The Night Sky ...
send me an email
May your Night Sky traveling always be filled
with Celestial Delights and Treats!
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