
Spring Equinox

This is a potently rich
and fertile time
in our earth's evolution.
A time in which beautiful,
healing changes in
consciousness can be born.
With love in our hearts,
in our thoughts
and in our actions,
may each one of us plant
seeds of transformation
that will lead to the
healing of our
Mother Gaia and all
of Her children.

We are at the point in the yearly cycle when balance exists between light and dark. The day of the Spring (or Vernal) Equinox has equal times of daylight and darkness.

As the Sun moves from Pisces to Aries, it crosses the Earth's celestial equator, and momentary balance of day and night is achieved. Thereafter, the hours of light will predominate and the hours of dark will fade into the background.

The Equinox, then, is a time for us to examine our own balance. Does a balance exist between our poles of yin and yang, or are we prisoners of images of how we "should" behave? As we move toward our outer nature (the light), do we honor our inner nature (the dark)?

It was Carl Jung that reminded us that without the darkness, we could not see the light of the candle flame.


From The Essene Book of Days by Danaan Parry
Earthstewards Network Publications, Bainbridge Island WA


In 2022 the Spring Equinox occurs on Sunday, March 20, at 8:33 am PDT /15:33 UT.

For astronomical highlights and Equinox Global Meditations see Spring Equinox ~ Night Sky.

International Earth Day occurs each year on the Spring Equinox.


"Planting the Seeds of Transformation," oil on canvas, 16 x 20
©1999 Mara Friedman
New Moon Visions is a fascinating site that takes you
into the realm of our Earth's planetary rhythms. Enjoy!


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