Sirius Reappears
Sirius reappears briefly in the morning sky August 8 for observers in San Francisco. When will you see Sirius?
Looking for Sirius in
the Southeast Image: Classical Astrologer
Sirius, the brightest star in the heavens, has recently been too close to the Sun to be be seen. The conjunction of Sirius and the Sun does not occur at the same time in all latitudes, and is not constant in the same region for a long period, hence the variation in dates of when it disappears and reappears. This luminary, hidden from view for observers in San Francisco for 77 days, rises out of the embrace of the Sun August 8, around 5:40am PDT. It can then be seen briefly, very low on the southeastern horizon. On this morning Sirius, the Dog Star in the constellation Canis Major, is separated from the Sun by 7 degrees. This heliacal rising of Sirius marks the end of the Dog Days. Look Up! Each morning after the 8th, Sirius gets easier to see positioned higher above the horizon before sunrise. When will you see Sirius? Dog
Days In celebration of our evolutionary link to Sirius and in preparation for becoming the Shining Ones on Earth, I offer this excerpt from the Invocation of Osiris.
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