Pearl Experiences
After visiting the Blue Pearl
pages at SouledOut.org, others have been inspired to share their experiences
of and questions about the Blue Pearl.
Introducing Blue
Jack Shimmelman has explored Blue Pearl experiences in depth for many years.
On the morning of January 1, 1987 I started to see cobalt blue oval circles of light. Everywhere. When this experience first started I went to a few close friends to tell them about it. I was confused. One told me about a spiritual tradition of the blue pearl. That helped. My world changed. Out of nowhere. I wasn’t particularly spiritual, although I have always had a curiosity about the nature of reality. I grew up a junk food aficionado; pizza being my Ph.D.; burned the candle from all ends and thought sensuality was the be all and end all. I wasn’t living the life of a monk tucked away in the Himalayas searching for the secret of life. I was surviving in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn. Read more

The Dream
a dream, this writer was told to look for the Blue Dot.
had a strange dream a few days ago. I was at work in a retail
store. I saw
2 cashiers ringing up items for customers and also noticed a
group of people standing around waiting to be helped. So I went
behind the
cash desk to help ring on a cash register. The people followed
me behind the cash desk and I told them to go back to the front
of the desk so
that I could help them. I was trying to decide which cash register
to ring on when I saw and heard my ex-boss telling me earnestly,
to look at the "blue dot." I looked behind me on the walls
but I did not see anything.....then I awoke.
At first, I thought maybe
the angels want me to go back and work in retail. After a few days,
I realize it was a spiritual dream, so today I searched the Internet
for info on blue dot and I found you.
Project 35
symbols are open to interpretation — for some, the Blue Pearl may
represent the soul, an inner process or a magical moment.

Seeing Blue!
the Blue Pearl ushers in a time of spirituality, a new beginning or
an affirmation of life, some
report that the Blue Pearl has appeared to them since childhood.
I have
been seeing blue dots since 8 years old. I am now 30 and I still
have no idea of their
significance — expect the beauty of their being and the gratitude
that I feel for seeing them. Whether they are a soul, slice of luck,
energy, whatever... I am so glad to hear about other people that
are blessed with these sights.
My sightings of the blue
dot appear randomly (as it seems to me). I do not meditate. I have
dreamt of reaching through a blue dot, only getting my arm through
to another world.
Once during a healing experience
/ miracle, I saw 3 large blue spheres filling the room. In another
healing experience, my entire field of vision turned blue. It was like
a having a blue filter placed over my eyes.
Blue! What a wonderful color!

Me to the Blue Pearl
I have been meditating for
2 yrs. now. I have also received shaktipat from my Guru. Please let
me know what should I do to witness the Blue Pearl? Is there any specific
practice that needs to be followed?
the Blue Pearl is an aspiration of many. Our experience is that
one cannot summon the Blue Pearl, it comes when it comes. We
as the lotus flower, in our own time. If you want to open to
exploring the beautiful light
of the Soul, open your heart, still the mind and sincerely ask for
a vision to come in the right time. Let your Soul know you would
like to explore the Blue Pearl
and see what happens.

Blue Pearl in Burma
I first
saw the blue pearl about 25 years ago when meditating as a Buddhist
monk in Burma. It seems to be an indicator of absorption or depth
of meditation.
It begins rather small, like a pea and then grows as meditation
deepens. It is not a distinct shape, but somewhat blurred around
the edges.
I believe it's a portal or doorway to another dimension. Maybe
this will only happen when I leave the body. Nevertheless it's a
Teacher in LA
encourage the use of color in meditation, and recommend SouledOut.orgs What
Is Meditation? page for more background on working with color.
Are meditators more likely to see the Blue Pearl than others? We're
not sure. Feel free to email
us if you have any insight on this.

Blue Lights
is a lot more to this universe than our minds can know. As we expand
our awareness, we can experience certain
frequencies of divine more often — like the blue lights.
I see
these lights. I see them at some stage every day and have for 6
years. I first started seeing them when I was living on a farm in
Tasmania and was doing a
lot of spiritual work. The blue lights would appear everywhere,
so beautiful.
During this time, I started
getting very confused due to the fact that I didn't know the significance
of the lights. So, I really willed them and tried to communicate but
it seemed the more I asked for them the less I saw of them. And, this
is how things are today. I am a massage therapist and in my last year
of acupuncture study. I often see them when I am doing a healing. I
would love to work with them, please could you help.
Blue Healer
the center of the sun is a point of dark blue, or a small indigo disk." For
more on this we suggest you read
about the pathway of light that leads
to the heart
of the dark blue disk, from Alice Baileys Discipleship
in the New Age, Vol. II (pages 51-53).

Beautiful, Vibrant, Purplish Blue
Muktananda is a guru who has
written of the Blue Pearl, and who founded the Siddha Yoga tradition. Here
is another example of meditation bringing the Blue Pearl into view.
Gurumayi, Swami Chidvilasananda, is the spiritual leader of the Siddha
Yoga lineage
and sole guru of Siddha Yoga students.
In August
1991, I drove from California to the Catskill Mountains in New York.
My friend had
recently moved to the Ashram there. It just so happened that Gurumayi
was staying at the Ashram then. I was not into meditating. I was
very unfamiliar with yoga or any eastern religious traditions, and
attitude at the
time was that I was not interested in them either!
As a gift,
my friend bought me a 1.5 hour meditation in front of the bronze
statue of Nitiyananda,
an experience, which at the time, sounded like utter torture. However,
being a gracious person, I went along with it.
During the meditation, in
which I basically had my eyes closed and did whatever I could to pass
the time, at one point this blue dot appeared in front of my field
of vision. It was a beautiful vibrant purplish blue color. As soon
one blue dot had almost disappeared, another would appear in my field
of vision taking the other blue dot's place. I had no idea what the
significance of that was, but was very much appreciative that it showed
up to help me pass the time.
Many years passed since that
experience and I have matured and explored spirituality. I see the
blue dots all the time now. It is clear to me that they are conscious
and very playful.

Blue Dots Are Blue
The color of the Blue Pearl has been described
as vibrant, electric blue, brilliant indigo, azure, cobalt and cerulean.
Can these
blue dots be of other colors than blue?
~ T-Day Well,
blue is blue ...
Most times the Blue Dot comes in a flash,
without any provocation or even any thought.
Other lights do appear. One person even
wrote to us saying they see orange lights. When colors appear around
people, the etheric body or aura is being seen. We are rainbow people!
We are all dots on the earth, no matter what color or shape!

Buddhist Scriptures Mention a Blue Disc
Rob brings us insight from his research on the Blue Pearl.
The Theravadin
(South East Asian) Buddhist scriptures do mention a blue disc of light
in the head
that appears during meditation. It is called a "Kasina" and it is recommended
that the practitioner hold it and concentrate upon it.
I offer you the following
from my studies:
A Kasina is
actually an external object that one focuses on. These are many and
varied, sometimes colored
discs are used, sometimes a body of water. When absorption takes place,
a "nimitta" or sign occurs. This is within the head and can sometimes
be a blue sphere of light. My feeling is that it is definitely a portal
to higher consciousness.
Peaceful Rob
This Color-Kasina
Meditation may be useful
as a visualization.

in Blue
wrote back about her "cosmic
chiropractic adjustments."
I'm still in the process of learning about the significance of my experiences,
and how to best utilize them. I believe Muktananda talked about being
able to get the blue dot to stay stable is a good thing. I've been doing
that, and then I find myself surrounded in the blue. Also, the blue dots
and sparkles appear on a daily basis around people I'm talking to sometimes,
and they will pop in and out when I'm reading a book or working on the
About a month ago I was at dinner with a friend who is a healer, and
all of a sudden the most beautiful blue jewel appeared where his third
eye is located. It sparkled like a blue diamond and stayed for about
2 or 3 seconds, much longer than they usually do. That was such a gift
to see.
Another curious
thing that has been happening is that during my meditations I've been
getting what can only be termed a "cosmic chiropractic
adjustment". I get pressure around my head, especially in my temples,
and my head moves all over the place in a very deliberate manner, and
when it's over I feel so great! Much lighter and more energized. Sometimes
this pressure feeling comes over me when I'm driving, and I have to pull
over and let my head move around. The feeling of pressure doesn't hurt,
it just feels like a build up of energy that I feel a deep urge to get
rid of, or to move through me. Also, I belong to a meditation group,
and some of the other women have experienced these "adjustments" as
well, but only during the meditations when I'm present. I have no idea
why that would be. Also, they don't see the blue dots or the other visual
phenomena that I see for some reason. We are all connected and so I'm
sure that has something to do with it in some way.
these head movements first started happening I was also getting a
lot of head tremors, and having some very strange experiences, such
as very big dreams and visions, and information about how to utilize
energy being downloaded into me — for lack of a better analogy.
could also see auras occasionally.
I don't
know why all these experiences are happening. There doesn't seem
to be any purpose to them, but I have the feeling this is all
to something, and that the timing is important. I'd like to find
out how I can best utilize these experiences to help others and heal
planet. That is very important to me. Oh! One final thing. Physical
reality has taken on a very dreamlike quality for me now. I feel
like I'm awakening into this dream we call 3-D reality.
the veils thin, many of us are becoming aware of several dimensions
simultaneously. Things that seemed so real and
concrete are more dreamlike and fluid. The experience of time is changing
as we begin to witness the past, present and future all occurring now.
The surprising interest in the Blue Pearl is just another sign that many
are seeing more and differently.

Blue Sphere Reported at Death
Much of what has been written on the Blue
Pearl speaks to its connection to death. Whether this death is subjective
or announces the death of the physical, we know that it is of a higher
In the
past two years I lost my nephew and my father from cancer. My nephew
passed around 12:00
noon. That evening when sleeping, I woke up and felt and saw this
blue light pass by me, it was a indigo colored blue sphere. I remember
next day going to my canvas and painting what I saw. A year later
my father passed away, again I was home. I woke up and saw this same
sphere pass by me. I remember telling my partner that my father
had died and within a few minutes the phone rang it was my family
me he passed.
~ Vision Fran

Light Making Thoughts Visible
power of meditation took this writer to a place where the divine
spoke and he most beautifully and eloquently wrote down his experience.
I inadvertently
happened upon the Siddha Yoga ashram in Oakland, California. I know
very little
of the practice of Siddha Yoga. I was free and there was a chanting
ceremony occurring, commemorating the anniversary of the departure
of their swami, Guru Muktananda.
I found
a seat and joined into the chant. After a short while I stopped chanting
and fell into a meditation.
There was the usual internal darkness and the usual abundance
of arbitrary, scattering thoughts.
Then I
was guided to the knowledge that if I could see these thoughts, there
was "light" making
the thoughts "visible". Clearly, if there was darkness
in meditation there had to be shadow, and the shadow was only possible
if light was obscured. The thoughts were simply objects shielding
light. This light began to accrue and gather into a point. The
darkness lifted ... it was as though a dawn were occurring
through a deep haze.
An orb of gentle blue appeared at the center.
The point
of blue was not different than me: I was both aware of it and I was
it. It was not
small or large. Rather, it was beyond any size. This "blue pearl" is
not solid, it is not vaporous. The closer I merge towards it the less
able am I to describe it.
I know now
that Guru Mai [Gurumayi] knows
this and Guru Muktunanda knows this and that you know it and that
I know it ... and that it is that which knows. We all have the
capacity to stop being that which we are not.
I wish us
all recognition of our true nature.
With love
and humility,
Your Journeys Bring You to the Jewel in the Center of the Lotus!
Blue Angel experiences ...
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Thank You for Your Heartfelt
Participation & Generosity!

Participate with Us
Blue Pearl
The Blue Angel
Blue Pearl References
Alice Bailey on the "Blue Disk"
Blue Musings
Soul's a Goal
Healing Ways ~ Radiatory
The Spirit Doctor
~ Magnetic Healing
East Meets West ~ Preparing
for Surgery
of Life ~ Our Magnetic Chakra System
Power of Love
Joy in the Workplace
Healing Miracles
Healing Hearts Healing
Healing Deities
The Secret Garden
Is Meditation?
Death, the Great Adventure
Healing Arts
Secret of Creation
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