Special Agent Hercules of the World Wide Environment Bureau, this particular
late fall day had started off in typical fashion. Things changed into
alert mode as he set down his half-full Odwalla container to read a
text message just sent from the bureau in Libya, flagged Urgent.
crisis," the
display revealed.
The message continued, "Giant nukes here ... come ASAP."
realized this meant trouble. World legislation had banned the manufacture
of all nuclear products some five years previously, in 2025 when all
major governments on the planet had sworn support of the embargo and
destroyed their nuclear
plants and weapons. So this new report meant either that a private multinational
corporation had obtained nuclear technology through illicit means ~
or else, some nation had broken the agreement.
More light
was shed very soon: on the way to the airport Hercules got a text from his top-ranked superior, that a missing stockpile of WMD had been hidden
back when the ban took place. And at
that time a
secret militia was set up by one of the greatest world powers, in
to assure continued dominion. The type of defense weapons shown in surveillance
photos were unmistakably the same as those documented to be from
the missing
Within hours
Agent Hercules arrived in Libya. He checked into the hotel
and waited for his WWEB contact to arrive for debriefing.
It was a
bad situation, and deteriorating rapidly. Attempts by the local bureau
to penetrate the site had been thwarted by sentry defense weapons.
contact brought surveillance photographs showing local agents who’d
mercilessly been
they attempted to clamp down on the nuclear still. In each case, as the
team of Marines approached the plant, a cloud of nuclear dust was generated
from the fortress, and none who attempted to get beyond it had survived.
His commanding
officer had given Hercules parting advice as he bid him farewell for the
assignment: "Rise by kneeling; conquer by surrender; gain by giving
up. You must succeed in this mission."
Now, in
Libya, Hercules contemplated this advice as he studied the intelligence
report on
the situation. No longer a secret to the local inhabitants, radiation
leaks emitted from the buried arsenal had polluted the surrounding atmosphere
a seven mile radius from the compound. People were evacuating the entire
island as the surrounding vegetation had begun to turn dayglow colors.
He immediately realized he had to speed up his work there on account
all the radioactivity leaking in the air.
Staking out
his target, Agent Hercules came up with a plan to use post-nuclear laser
technology to sneak beyond the seven-mile radiation protection device.
Using his smartphone he summoned WWEB munitions to be transported
in, and prepared to
ambush the compound from one side by remote, and to sneak in, himself,
from the opposite side.
Having chosen
this strategy, our hero set the plan into action and began his attack.
cordoned off area in which the nuclear plant was located had been dormant,
but to his surprise it began to come alive with mines ~ like fireworks,
shooting out from every direction. Weapons began to emerge from the
nine-sided tomb, creating a tower much larger than the power
plant's original size.
Out of the
roof popped up a veritable fleet of weaponry, all buzzing to find and eliminate intruders. As the whole situation
seemed to flash by, he remembered the advice, "Rise
by kneeling." So he jumped down from the advance point and crouched on his knees, as his one good option came to mind ~ use his smartphone
a radiation deflector that would funnel the energy from all the radioactivity
coming at him, back to the ground underneath the plant.
At this
point he figured he’d be a goner, anyway, what with all the radioactivity,
and it seemed like all the makings of a world scale meltdown. Yet he
held his ground best as he could, as he pointed a tiny-but-powerful
RPG simulator in the direction of the ground directly underneath the towering nine-sided
Within a
flash, something even more extraordinary happened. The stolen arsenal,
with all its nuclear potential, was contained underground beneath the
building in a lead-shielded rocket ship. And the energy flow from his
phone was somehow kicking off the missile’s launch sequence.
As he watched
from his crouched position, the giant missile pushed the now-animated
of advanced and powerful nuclear weapons, out into the atmosphere.
Its lighted path moved in a crest far across the sky, and upward into the
In a moment,
as he took in the spectacle, Hercules paused to realize he’d
survived. How this had happened, he had no idea.
The last known,
remaining nuclear stockpile on earth, on a course far away from the planet, had just been jettisoned and was breaking up in the most outstanding fireworks, out into the universe.
based on the Scorpio myth from Alice A. Bailey’s book, The
Labours of Hercules
of the Myth
Hercules’s Labour in Scorpio
In this
eighth challenge faced by Hercules as he traversed all 12 signs of
the zodiac, he took down a nine-headed monster, symbolizing nine tests.
The ancient story portrayed Hercules, who tried to cut off the heads
separately ~ which resulted in two heads growing back in place of each.
Finally when he raised the beast into the light, it lost its power.
supreme test represents raising the monster ~ all the accumulated
evils, mistakes, and failures of long past ~ into the air of the
spirit, wherein those energies cannot live. In the original myth,
Hercules was told to find the nine-headed monster that lived in
a stench-filled swamp. In the caverns of the mind, this beast ~
the nuclear stockpile of our modern day story ~ lives in us. The
sinister invader is not to be found easily, having established
its permanent residence in our subconscious. |
we, as individuals, recognize such a fierce creature dwells inside
us. For Hercules, each time a head was chopped off, two grew in
its place. Much as, every time a low desire or thought is overcome,
another takes its place.
What is
needed to accomplish this labour, which we all face? Using discrimination,
we must first recognize the need to find the monster. Next, to discover
its lair, we apply patience and muster up courage to proceed. Humility
finally brings the slimy fragments of the subconscious to the surface,
into the light of wisdom.
labor in Scorpio has nine facets. Each one represents a problem to
be faced by the courageous person on the path. As we follow Hercules
on the reversed wheel, beginning each cycle with Aries and ending in
Pisces, we are yearly challenged at the time of Scorpio to become more
aware of our subconscious, base desires that originally manifested
at the time of Taurus. Six months later in Scorpio, we are given the
opportunity to become our true selves through the process of eliminating
the vices represented by this one ugly nine-faceted head. |