If you want to alter your life, building
an altar is an excellent way to begin. An altar is a physical place or
object used as a point of focus where one can raise or alter their state
of consciousness, thereby gaining higher ground within the self. Altars
and altar building can greatly benefit today's spiritual aspirant or disciple
by grounding physically their dedication to spiritual ideals and the spiritual
Constructing an altar today for your spiritual
purposes is a process that draws largely from the wellspring of your own
intuition ~ you don't have to concern yourself with the different altar
forms as did the Greeks and Romans. Nor do you have to limit yourself
only to certain types of offerings on the altar, like the Hebrews.
Your altar is your own high place, and
you are its creator! The most
needed forces in creating
an altar are a calm, centered, grounded self, an open intuitive mind,
and a reverence of spirit and your higher self. Simple or elaborate, consistent
or changing, your altar is your personal statement to spirit and should
reflect your own spiritual vision.
Here are some guidelines for constructing
your home altar:
Altars are best placed in
the east, or the power spot in your home where you feel comfortable
and have affinity.
Structure and Shape
For altars,
a raised structure is recommended because elevation symbolizes the
raising of consciousness up to the sacred. If you put your altar in
a garden, a mound of earth or a large, unhewn stone works well. Indoors,
a raised platform, a shelf, a mantelpiece, box, or small circular table
will do. The structure should be a comfortable height to gaze upon,
and should reflect your concept of the One.
Altar Surface or Cloth
Can be
viewed as an infinite space upon which Spirit creates its manifestations.
The altar cloth represents infinity
and emergence from the void.
Choose colors your spirit
is most drawn to for its present time needs. As sun and moon cycles
change and as your energies shift and transform, you may feel guided
to choose a new color altar cloth that reflects this change in vibration.
The Center
Represents the essence
or being of your altar, and is the point which contains the All, the
One, and the point from which all the other objects radiate from.
A candle is often the center, symbolizing the One Light, or it may
be a statue whose essence you feel compelled to honor. If a statue
is your center, then put the candle or candles near the center.
Statues and Symbols
Statues are
a personal statement of energies you would like to be present in your
life. Include as many or as few of the deities as you like. Symbols
on altars are those objects that are magical to you. They can be beautiful
(a flower or pretty stone), whimsical (a dragon or elf), earthly (a
fetish), and so on.
Can signify what you are sacrificing or giving up to be transformed.
These can include your business card, photo of yourself or a friend,
and the like. Offerings can also be gifts to the gods ~ flowers,
small plants, fruit, grain, and even candy.
you have constructed your altar, you are ready for the final step ~ Blessing
it. Historically, altars were blessed by sprinkling them with salt, which
was a universally held substitute for the blood of animals. You may find
altars are best blessed through the use of the mind. From a quiet, grounded
space, gaze at each element on you altar, invoking its presence and blessing
in you life. Look at your altar, and feel your consciousness rise to the
level of the sacred.

Easter Festival

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