Spirit of Sacrifice
working disciples throughout the world are struggling with every
means at their disposal to spread the gospel of sacrifice, because
only upon sacrifice can world stability be safely founded ~ the
sacrifice of selfishness.
Alice A. Bailey (1)
Law of Sacrifice
Formula for Sacrifice
Becoming the Path
Sacrifice in World Religions
Sacrifice and Era 2012
Sacrifice in World Religions
Sacrifice and Service
Examples of Sacrifice
sacrifice, the
entire manifested universe would not exist. Cosmic Deity sacrificed
life to the universe, just as our Solar Deity gave life to the solar
system. And the legacy of our Planetary Deity is laced with the theme
of sacrifice.
and Sacrifice are synonymous terms as far as our solar Logos is concerned,
and also for the majority of the planetary Logoi." (2)
above, so below.
Deva kingdom
exhibits sacrifice on our behalf, as well as do the so-called lower
kingdoms in nature, through our
Planetary Purpose.
Sacrifice and the impulse to give can ... be traced throughout
every kingdom in nature. It is typified for us in the basic sacrifices
which take place between the various kingdoms. The essential qualities
of the minerals and chemicals of the earth are an instance in point.
They are needed by other forms of life and are donated to man through
the medium of the vegetable kingdom and through the water which
he drinks, and thus, even in the first and densest [mineral] kingdom
in nature (whose consciousness is so far removed from ours) does
this process of giving hold good. (3)
In sacrifice,
we glimpse something of Planetary Purpose and our relationship
to it. We also come to understand more clearly the meaning underlying
the experiences of pain and loss that are so characteristic here,
for all life on the planet is actually a disciplinary training.
That training falls into three major categories:
1. That
which is Logoically-imposed.
2. That which is Soul-imposed.
3. That which is self-imposed. (4)
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of Sacrifice
esoteric Law of Sacrifice is the first of seven Laws of the Soul
or Group Life given by Alice Bailey in Esoteric Psychology II.
the energy of Harmony
through Synthesis increases in our planetary life, sacrifice
is applied, producing Union through diversity and adversity. (5)
governs the process of Death. Sacrifice
relates also to Forgiveness and
It means
the impulse of giving. The whole secret of the doctrines of "the
forgiveness of sins" and of the "at-onement" lies hid in this simple
phrase. It is the basis of the Christian doctrine of love and sacrifice. (6)
of the lower allows that which is higher to be expressed. This is based
on identification with the Soul, instead of the lower aspect of the
self. It involves the relinquishing of negative thought and emotion
to those of higher vibration.
The Law
of Sacrifice means also salvage and underlies all the evolutionary
processes and particularly does this emerge into clear significance
in the human family. The instinct to betterment, the urge to progress
(physical, emotional and intellectual), the effort to ameliorate
conditions, the tendency to philanthropy which is so rapidly taking
hold of the world, and the sense of responsibility which does make
men realise that they are their brother's keeper, are all expressions
of this sacrificial instinct. (7)
From the
angle of form, we tend to think of sacrifice as the will of the weak
giving way to the will of the strong.
Yet in later
cycles of life, through the application of wisdom and for the purpose
of evolution, the will of the strong (or further evolved) is yielded
to assist the weaker.
every decision,
we sacrifice all else for the one avenue being chosen. Sacrifice, then,
is the yielding of energy. We give up!
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Essential Sacrifice
Sacrifice is
a process of making sacred, as seen in a body that is full of light.
All those things in our lower natures that act as blocks to that light
have to be replaced by or transmuted into Light ~ which is what makes
us holy. "When the eye is single, the body is full of light." -
Matthew 6:22
selfless service, the Gospel of Sacrifice runs in and through the life
expression of all world servers. To sacrifice
calls us to share what we have to offer with that which has need for
it. This compels us to bring sacrifice all the way into and through
the physical manifestation of life itself.
then, entails giving up our personal will to the will of the Soul,
and eventually giving up the will of the Soul to the will of Divinity.
This progression is a product of humanity’s evolution through
experience ~
1. Individual, leading to selfishness and focus on the material;
2. Helping others ~ first from a selfish motive, avoiding distress at
the sight of suffering, and later through pure, disinterested service,
a quality of the soul;
3. The complete sacrifice of the separated lower self through the power to stand in spiritual being.
The result
of selfless sacrifice transcends any difficulty incurred in the process,
for what has been gained outweighs all cost.
Sacrifice is
offered unto the altar of grace, to serve and heal humanity.
Grace and Compassion are the products of Sacrifice being applied on
the level of soul.
is truly an opportunity. Reaching for our higher selves through service
to others is an act of purification, allowing each of us to utilize
our most potent asset ~ love without desire for reciprocation. Such
offerings are of great assistance in achieving heightened group consciousness,
as sacrificial acts such as kindness or
giving reverberate like the ripple effect of a stone tossed in a pond.
It’s really
very simple. Every time we help the one or the many we come closer
to our essential divinity, until that stupendous experience is accomplished
at the end of the long evolutionary process of human experience when
nothing else remains to be done or purified or sacrificed, and we actualize
our true identity as one with God. Than this full and complete achievement,
there is no higher purpose. We are part of God, sparks within
the One Flame.
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for Sacrifice
- Dispassion - The emotional nature is rendered immune from the appeal of the senses and desire fails to deter the soul from its rightful task.
- Discrimination -
The mind identifies with the good, the beautiful and the true and
overcomes illusions of the personality.
- Detachment -
The functioning brain is intentionally withdrawn from the world of
sensory perception, subordinating the personality to the higher impulses. (9)
Sacrifice requires
the relinquishing of gain. (10) This can be accomplished through applying this
sequence to any challenge or disruptive situation, and will bring about
reorientation from a horizontal focus to a vertical expression.
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the Path
Excerpt from "An
Esoteric Catechism"
I play my
part with stern resolve, with earnest aspiration
I look above,
I help below
I dream not, nor I rest
I toil, I serve
I reap, I pray
I am the Cross, I am the Way
I tread upon the work I do,
I mount upon
my slain self
I kill desire, and I strive, forgetting all reward.
forego peace, I forfeit rest
and, in the stress of pain,
I lose myself
and find Myself
and enter into peace.
To all this I solemnly pledge myself,
invoking my Higher Self. (11)
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in World Religions
Sacrifice is
exemplified in this statement by Lord Krishna ~ “Having pervaded
the universe with a fragment of myself, I remain.” This describes the soul's
endeavor, and the spirit underlying all creative work. (12)
In the Buddhist
tradition, taking the Bodhisattva Vows exhibits great sacrifice. The
Buddhist ideal is to become a bodhisattva who strives to liberate all
beings from the cycle of birth and death. The Bodhisattva Vows are taken
formally by a Buddhist to accomplish this. (13)
Vows are an expression of bodhichitta, the desire to realize
enlightenment for the sake of others. "The
bodhisattva-warrior, therefore, makes a vow to wake up not just for himself
but for the welfare of all beings." (14)
In Christianity
the Prodigal Son experience represents the sacrifice of that which was
held dear, yet was discovered to be nonfulfilling, to approach the Divine.
Sacrifice itself
is reflective of the Christ energy. Through sacrifice we emulate
the Divine Son to approach and eventually become the Christ consciousness, thus realizing our essential identity as One with the Father or spirit.
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Sacrifice and Era 2012
A number of
the themes associated with Era 2012 events on the planet are tied to the
Law of Sacrifice.
For, "Our planet … has
a peculiar relation to the position of our solar system in the series
of solar systems which constitute the body of expression for The One
About Whom Naught May Be Said." (16)
There is
a stage to be reached in the human consciousness, where that which lies
behind the dualities—the stage of essential oneness—can, and will be recognised.
When this takes
place, the consciousness of our humanity will then merge with that underlying
consciousness of the whole, which recognises no pain or sorrow and has,
therefore, slipped out of the realisation which predominantly governs
the consciousness of the three great Lives in our solar system. (17)
At this time
in the history of the world and its periodical salvaging from conditions
which are wrecking the current civilisation, it is necessary that aspirants
grasp the fact that that salvaging process must be carried on under
the Law of Sacrifice, and that only a relative outer unity can be at
this time achieved. ... The establishing of an inner contact and relationship,
based on a realised oneness of purpose and soul love, is magnificently
possible, and for this all disciples must struggle and strive. ...
when disciples relinquish the sense of authority over each other and of
responsibility for each other's activities, and at the same time stand
shoulder to shoulder in the One Work, then the differences, the divergences,
and the points of disagreement will automatically be overcome. There are
three rules which are important to disciples at this time. (18)
We, humanity,
grow in experience " ... as the result of the determined, conditioned
activity of a Great Life, Which chose to make a major sacrifice ..."
(19) and evidenced through
1. Progress
in human consciousness.
2. Growing refinement of the forms of life, paralleled in the various
kingdoms of nature.
3. Intensified conscious activity, on a scale of rapid
living, that transcends time as we know it.
4. Expanding realisation of progress from one dimension to another,
until today physicists
are generally convinced of multiple
5. Increasing scientific control of the physical elements and of the
forces of nature. Today we talk in terms of space exploration just as 500
years ago they talked in terms of the mastery of oceans. We are offsetting
the gravitational pull of the earth so that we can "fly
into the face of the sun."
6. The instinctual life of sense consciousness in material forms ~ we
have progressed to intellectual life as self-conscious human beings
and beyond that, to intuitive acuity. (20)
Based then
on the above,
expressed objectives include
Development of consciousness,
2. Refining of forms,
3. Intensification of realized life.
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and Service
To serve
the One Life is to sacrifice our personal will to Divine Will. Therefore
tier of Soul petals associated with the will aspect is interchangeably
referred to both as the Sacrifice petals and as the Service petals.
to the Hierarchy of Light is service to the General Good. Of course,
striving to the General Good opens the gates of higher knowledge and
Service. But I would like you to realize clearly what qualities you
must first develop in yourself for advancement on the path of Service.
Many people are dreaming about the General Good and even are ready
to work for it as long as it does not interfere with their habits and
prosperity. But true service to the General Good, which leads to the
gates of the Stronghold of Light, requires sacrifice and complete disdain
for everything personal, in other words, the complete abandonment of
selfhood. When the consciousness is broadened, when all feelings and
comprehension are refined, the law of sacrifice will be accepted as
the highest achievement. There will be no room for self-pity, fear
of the future, offenses and envy because with every breath will sublimity,
beauty, and the highest joy of service be realized.
The mature
spirit who consciously chooses the path of Service knows the joy of
a broadened consciousness and the fiery striving to the Highest Consciousness;
he knows the joy of fulfillment of the Higher Will; he knows the joy
of discovery and the destination of life; and in the appointed hour
he will learn the sublimity and beauty of the final sacrament.
And so,
after understanding and accepting with our heart the significance of
the great liberating and crowning sacrifice, let us strive to develop
in ourselves love, devotion, gratitude and obedience to Hierarchy.
Let us be ready to take any burden, remembering that the heavier the
burden the shorter will be our path. Truly speaking, from love and
devotion issue all the other qualities which help our advancement.
Thus, let us cultivate them as the most precious flowers; and, since
these flowers of spirit grow and nurture each other, the greatest love
will bring the greatest answer. Therefore, let us surround the Great
Teacher with the fire of love. Let us guard our respect for Him. Let
us evince the most careful, the highest understanding of the Teaching
and the Indications, and sacredly, reverently, with the tremor of the
heart, face the beauty and the majesty of his creativeness. Remember,
those whose understanding is higher will ascend higher ....
Letters of Helena
Roerich I, (22)
We are in
essence a reflection of the Godhead, made in the image of God, and
eventually reflect the Holy Spirit or Mother or Matter through our
bodies, the Son or Soul through our consciousness, and finally the
Father or One Spirit or God through our spirits. We can thereby see
how sacrifice and service are necessary for an individual, or the entire
human kingdom, to eventually reflect perfectly that which we ARE.
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Examples of Sacrifice
expresses throughout life on earth, and through countless actson the part
of world servers.
Such examples
as these serve also to inspire others ~
The Sacrifice
Play in
is a community activity. You need all nine people helping one another.
I love bunt plays. I love the idea of the bunt. I love the idea of
the sacrifice. Even the word is good, giving yourself up for the
good of the whole. That's Jeremiah, that's thousands of years of
wisdom. You find your own good in the good of the whole. You find
your own individual fulfillment in the success of the community ~
the Bible tried to do that and didn't teach you. Baseball did.
Mario Cuomo (23)
in Hindu Mythology
The Rabbit's
association with the Moon, as explained in this story
Rabbit in the Moon
Officer Buys Boots for Barefoot Homeless Person
hearts of thousands of people were touched when NYPD Officer Lawrence
DePrimo was photographed giving boots and socks to a homeless man.
Cops Good Deed Goes Viral |
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of the above is synthesized
Esoteric Psychology II by Alice A. Bailey, p. 87–109

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Principle of Essential Divinity
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Law of Ancient Dominating Good
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