As Above, So Below

Image: Artist
Found at:theawakenedstate.tumblr.com / whatisthepyramid.com
The universe follows a fractal pattern of a double
torus shown above. The double torus is the result of two opposing
reaching equilibrium thereby forming a recursive feedback loop. This
is the same concept portrayed in the Ouroboros symbol:[*] theawakenedstate.tumblr.com
Note: The
double torus creates singularity and perfectly symbolizes the 12/21/12
alignment, which is about the fusion of opposing forces: the
galactic plane and the ecliptic plane, the dark and the light, cosmic
and earthly, inner and outer,
male and female, personality
and soul, human and divine. The 2012 solstice alignment is about
re-membering, becoming whole, reaching equilibrium, experiencing
a rebirth. This
is written
the heavens and in the cave center of our head. As above, so below.
and Introduction
Olmec and Mayan Dark Rift Spirituality
Sky Chart
Above, So Below
~ References of Interest
and Introduction
2006 a visitor to The Night Sky emailed a John
Major Jenkins link referencing
the dark rift in the Milky Way as a key factor in the alignment of
2012 and in the spirituality of the Olmec and Mayan peoples. In 2011
I came upon the essays
of Thomas Razzeto that delved even deeper into why the dark rift
and the specific date of December 21, 2012 were so important to the
John Major Jenkins moved his focus from the dark rift onto the galactic
equator and the sun’s 1998 exact crossing of it *,
coining the term Era-2012 (36 years centered around 1998), Thomas Razzetto
on the dark rift and on one exact day, 12/21/12.
reading both men’s research, it occurred to
me that that all humans have a representation of the Milky Way’s
dark rift within the center of their heads. As Above, So Below!
intentions here are to
give an overview of the main concepts that help one understand the
significance of 2012,
tie all the key elements together and show how they relate to the
cave center in the human head and
3.) provide links that can aid in further understanding
of the concepts presented.
Continue this journey to find out more.
Milky Way Showing the Galactic Equator

Image: APOD / Adapted by Ross Bishop
is a photo of the 200 to 400 billion stars that compose the Milky
Way with the Galactic Equator … The great bulge [Location
of the Galactic Center] can be seen to the right of the equator,
about a third of the way up the photo. Just above the bulge,
or if you look down from the space between the words “galactic” and “equator” in
the title, you can see the dark space which is the Dark Rift.
Ross Bishop
Note: This
bulge lies between the zodiacal constellations Sagittarius and Scorpius.
Helpful Images: 1, 2 (In
the 2nd image the bulge is in the south “below” the
Dark Rift that stretches north.)
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Olmec and Mayan Dark Rift Spirituality
these ancient peoples the Milky Way was the Great Mother, and her dark
rift the "cave of creation" or cosmic birth canal. The Galactic
Bulge was the Womb of Creation, the highest Cosmic Center.
… one of the oldest Mesoamerican creation stories involves
the "First God" being born from the cosmic "cave
of creation." Olmec God- Rulers are often shown enthroned
in a cave, which doubles as a serpent mouth. John Major Jenkins
these ancients looked up they saw a Sacred Tree or Cross formed by
the Milky Way (vertical bar) and the ecliptic, the apparent path of
the sun, moon and planets (horizontal bar). This was the Cosmic Crossroads.
will argue that the Olmec cleft-head symbolizes the dark-rift in
the Milky Way … the crossband symbol represents … the
crossroads formed by the Milky Way and the ecliptic. … The
cleft-head is a place of regeneration, birth, and emergence. The
cleft is a birth place; it is a cave and a place of emergence. John
Major Jenkins
Olmecs influenced the Mayans. Both cultures had shamans who used a
hallucinogenic substance from the poison gland of the Bufo frog. This
allowed them to experience the “the invisible world” and
make contact with spirit entities and travel out-of-the-body.
Bufo toad does more than just provide the Maya with a means to explore
the spiritual world; it also physically demonstrates the principles
of transformation and rebirth. Not only does it transform from a
small aquatic tadpole with a long tail and gills into an air-breathing
amphibious toad over six inches long that can live a few decades,
it sheds and eats its skin in a remarkable way. Approximately four
times a year, the adult toad sheds its skin in one piece and it devours
the skin as it is being shed. It might be said that the toad actually
eats itself! The older outer form ceases to exist and yet it is absorbed
and born anew as part of the toad's living body. Notice that this
rebirth takes place without the death of the toad. Thomas Razzetto
/ Mystical 2012
Contacting “the
invisible world,” transformation, and rebirth are all significant
in the spirituality of these two cultures.
Olmecs and Mayans were very adept astronomers who could determine when
the sun would appear in the middle of the Milky Way’s dark
rift and when the planets along the ecliptic would significantly line
up creating a potent sacred cosmic cross. Thomas Razzetto points out
that the sun within the middle of the dark rift has three rebirths:
Its daily morning rising after a dark night
Its yearly winter solstice rebirth into more light each day and
Its galactic rebirth in the center of the Great Mother’s
cosmic birth canal, when father sun, our central luminary mates with
the galactic mother!
2012, this special lovemaking will result in the birth of what the
Maya call “a new world age,” which is represented by
a new cycle of the Long Count calendar. Yes indeed, lovemaking and
creation are at the core of 2012, not death and destruction.
a triple rebirth of the sun happens year after year in the years around
2012. This is because the wobble of the earth is so slow that the
conditions of the triple rebirth repeat almost exactly from one
year to the next.
(Eventually, the sun will be in the middle of the dark rift on the
day after the winter solstice. Once that happens, there won't be
another triple rebirth of the sun for about 26,000 years.) Thomas
Razzetto / Why the Maya Picked 2012
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About the Image
following quotes by Thomas
Razzetto give more insights about the above image. He used
TheSky astronomy software to create the sky chart seen above.
just so happens that on December 21, 2012 at high
noon, the sacred tree will be perfectly oriented in the sky over
Maya. [TheSky astronomy
software program allows one to see beyond the veil of
… I
call this [horizontal] crossbar the crossbar of light since all
these objects either reflect or give off light. The sun
will be virtually exactly in the middle of Mars and Venus so
this crossbar will be
very balanced around the sun. The dark rift makes what
I call the [vertical] crossbar of darkness.
the tree of life is made up of one crossbar of darkness and one crossbar
of light and thus it represents the yin-yang quality of duality exhibited
all throughout creation. … the sun can be seen as the most
powerful creator of the duality that we witness in our world [day
and night]. It … invites us to inquire about
the most mysterious duality we all face: our very own
life and death.
this day at high noon, it [the bulging womb of
creation] is in the bottom portion of the sacred tree acting as the
the root
system, of the tree of life. So everything
comes forth from the source into our world of duality! What a beautiful
metaphor! Thomas
Razzetto / Why the Mayans picked 2012
Note: Both
Venus and Mars are at a close approach to earth in 2012. Mars is closest
on March 5, 2012 and Venus on June 5/6, 2012. This happens every 2yrs
+ 2mos for Mars and every 1yr + 7mos for Venus.
Hmmm … To
review the placement of the planets on 12/21/12 see
the the sky chart above. Though the Mayans could
not see telescopic Pluto,
agent of death
transformation appears near Mars (male energy) and is part
of the sacred tree. (In 2012 Pluto also squares Uranus the
planet of sudden change and the freedom urge.)
Mayans recognized and charted Mercury. This divine messenger inspires
the mind, linking it to the soul, and
appears during the 2012 December solstice near Venus (female energy)
and is part of the sacred tree.
BTW: On June 5/6, 2012 Venus transits the sun and completes an 8-year cycle
of movement that forms a 5-pointed
star in the heavens! At this time Venus also begins a new 8-year
cycle and 5-pointed star.
The 5-pointed
Mayan star represents five cycles of the Mayan calendar, each
5,125 years long adding up to the Great Year of 25,525 years. One
Great Year ends 12/21/12 and a new one begins.
Mayans call this new era ~ the Great Year beginning 12/21/12 ~ the
Maya Fifth Sun.
fifth cycle (Ajaw/sun) will be a fusion of both feminine and masculine
energies. … Both energies will support each other. It is why this
period is called one of harmony, the kingdom of love and the return of
consciousness. … This fifth Ajaw/sun comes with the power of transmutation … it
will be necessary to create the balance of the forces of the light and
the dark … quest for the unity, the return of the natural order.
The Fifth Sun
Five makes
possible the Ascension!
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Above, So Below How
does the Milky Way's dark rift also known as the cave of creation relate
to the cave center in the human head and the 12/21/12 alignment?
Ageless Wisdom, esoteric mystery
schools and mystical traditions teach that it is within the cave,
located in
middle of the head, that we connect with the spiritual world. The
pineal gland is located here and activates our third eye or ajna center,
us to see beyond the physical into the realm of spirit.

Image: Artist
Found at: Crystalinks.com / Preview
Pineal Gland is about the size of a pea, and is in the center of
the brain in a tiny cave, behind and above the pituitary gland,
which lies a little behind the root of the nose. It is located
directly behind the eyes …
activate the 'third eye' and perceive higher dimensions, the pineal
gland and the pituitary body, must vibrate in unison, which is
achieved through meditation and / or relaxation. When a correct
relationship is established, between personality, operating through
the pituitary body, and the soul, operating through the pineal
gland, a magnetic field is created. The negative and positive forces
interact and become strong enough, to create the 'light in the
head’ … strayreality.com
imagination and meditative practice we enter the cave in our
head and are able to make contact with the soul, our divine overshadowing
self. By our use of the cave and soulic invocation we activate
the light in this head center, building and
strengthening the
connection to the group soul. We come in contact with spiritual guides
and teachers, great beings and the Christ consciousness *.
Divine ideas are
born within
This cave
of creation is our spiritual birth canal, our sacred space for
rebirth. The soul-activated light in our head's cave center, is analogous
to the 12/21/12 alignment of the solstice sun (Sol) in the
middle of the dark rift, the Milky Way's cosmic birth canal and
cave of creation.
an altar in the form of a cross in the cave in the center of the
head, and there place the persona, as an indication of your willingness
to accept the Divine Intent of your Soul. Do not, in this preparatory
work, attempt to discover that Intent, but rather meditate upon the
act of willingness symbolized in the sacrificial ceremony above.
Lucille Cedercrans: The Nature of the Soul
above quote brings to mind the Olmec and Mayan peoples’ Sacred
Tree or Cross, the cosmic crossroads of the Milky Way Galaxy and the
ecliptic, the intersection of our solar system with the more inclusive
consciousness of our galaxy, the intersection of our personality with
our divinity. As above, so below.
Note: In
direct alignment with the dark rift and the bulging Galactic Center
there actually
a constellation
Ara, the Altar. It lies south the stinger of Scorpius in the
Southern Hemisphere. Maps 1,
2 Alice Bailey in the Labors of Hercules * associates
this constellation with the aspirant, who in an act of detachment,
places all upon the altar
in order to more fully serve the soul. Ara's
mythology / depictions
… as
one actually achieves a Cave Center focus of consciousness … one
does not experience the Cave as a location in an individual physical-dense
instrument, but as a state of consciousness within the instrument
of humanity.
when one is truly in the cave, one is identified as the consciousness
or Soul in a particular state of being.
moving into the Cave is a "tuning in" to a universal state
of awareness, and from that state one can go up to higher states, and/or
out to include a broader number of "stations". In fact, when
working from the Cave, one does both. One works throughout as a group
unit within an even larger group life. How large depending on the one’s
capacity and the work to be done.
One cannot develop the Cave simply by placing oneself there. One must
actually and actively use that placement to manifest some portion of
the Divine Plan through the conscious practice of the inner creative
process. Glen W. Knape: The Cave Center
our central luminary the sun or Sol moves into the cave of creation
~ the dark rift of the Milky Way ~ for a galactic rebirth, we are potently
impressed to rise in frequency and enter our cave of creation
to be enthroned
the soul for a spiritual awakening and the manifestation of divine
ideas on Earth.

Image: Sharon Maia Nichols
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triple rebirth of the sun happens year after year in the years around
Its daily morning rising after a dark night
Its yearly winter solstice rebirth into more light each day and
Its galactic rebirth in the center of the Great Mother’s
cosmic birth canal, when father sun, our central luminary mates
with the galactic
mother, in the dark rift of our Milky Way Galaxy.
2012, the sun centered in the Milky Way’s dark rift at the
December solstice is also equidistant from Mars (male energy) and
Venus (female energy), which are at a close approach to Earth.
Pluto aligns with Mars, and Mercury aligns with Venus on the ecliptic
arm of the cosmic cross. Pluto and Uranus are in a square to each
other from 2012-2015.
Venus completes its 8-year 5-pointed star movement in June 2012
and then begins a new 5-pointed star movement.
The Mayan 5-pointed star Great Year ends at the 2012 December solstice
and a new Great Year, the Maya Fifth Sun, emphasizing a fusion
of both feminine and masculine energies begins.
is also important to note that December 21-28, 2012 is a “week
of group impact” for the New
Group of World Servers (NGWS).
seven years in December, a certain great constellation which
is ~ to our zodiac ~ what the zodiac is to the earth, pours its
energies into the sign of Capricorn, which then flows into the
field of human awareness. Alice
Bailey: Esoteric Psychology Vol. II p. 196–197
inflow of energy for the NGWS provides a huge spiritual awakening and
greatly empowers all who are learning to work in group and share
as their motivation.
It is said that if the “festival week” falls at the period
of a Full Moon it is most significant. December 28, 2012 is a Full
Moon, making the new 7-year cycle of the NGWS beginning December 21,
2012 a powerful one. This 2012
Festival Video is both informative and
Note: A
NGWS 7 year cycle also began in 1998, when the December solstice
sun was exactly centered on the galactic equator * rather than in the the dark rift. Within
humanity in the center of our brain and within the cosmos at the Crossroads
of the Milky Way’s dark rift and the ecliptic, lies an archetypal
pattern of spiritual rebirth that is potently being enlivened during
this time.
The 12/21/12
alignment is significant for the Mayan peoples at high noon, however
this day’s alignment affects our whole planet throughout the
day. It unites the transformative energy of Pluto, the freedom urge
of Uranus and the male energy of Mars, together with the female energy
of Venus and the divine inspiring messages of Mercury for a spiritual
The 12/21/12
alignment essentially culminates in a fusion of the outer (cosmos),
the inner (humanity’s subtle body, individually and as a kingdom)
and the other (ideal spiritual pattern / The Plan). This potent union
of the objective and subjective worlds stimulates a great change within
humanity and our planet. It leads to the emergence of the spiritual
kingdom on Earth, to a new species of human ~ Homo
luminous ~, and
to the birth of a new world age.
You are
amongst the last generation of a 26,000 year cycle. You are amongst
the first that will wake up on the other side of the conscious membrane
that defines the two cycles of the human experience at the end of
Who you
allow yourself to authentically become, what template you choose
to inhabit, human or Divine, what heart and mind you chose, yours
Mine to think and feel through by the close of this cycle, is what
you will carry and live with on the New Earth for a very long time.
choice you take matters deeply now. Each thought you hold, matters
deeply now. Raising your vibration, consciously, daily matters
deeply now. Choose well. Choose with love, with presence, with conscious
care of yourself. Excerpt from: Message
from Spirit by Maureen
Moss / World
Maureen's Entire Message from Spirit
It is written
in the heavens and deep within our brain. Humanity and our planet are
in the process of re-membering, of becoming who we truly are, divine
and sacred. As above, so below.
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~ References of Interest
following links are helpful in understanding the concepts presented
Articles by John Major Jenkins
The Watershed: Olmec Antecedents (Dark rift symbology)
Is Galactic Alignment? (Era 2012)
Razzeto’s website: 2012 Essays
Significance of the dark rift and 12/21/12 to the Mayans
Pentagonal Cycle of Venus
Understanding the planet’s 5 pointed star Movement
Fifth Sun
2012 Spiritual Aspect
Uranus-Pluto Square 2012-2015
Revolution and Revelation
Group of World Servers
A New 7-year cycle begins December 21, 2012
Eye - Pineal Gland
Third Eye and the Pineal Gland
Cedercrans: The Nature of the Soul
Includes insights on the “cave.”
W. Knape: The Cave Center
Synthesis on the body of work of Lucille Cedercrans
Pearl ~ References of Interest
The “seed of consciousness” in the pineal gland
Both Worlds ~ Homo Luminous
species moving from human to divine
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