of Goodwill The Milky Way's Galactic Heart Gemini's Annual Festival in the Heavens 2 Significant Annual Goodwill Conjunctions Gemini's Goodwill Festival Meditations
The Festival of Goodwill takes place in the spring, at the Full Moon during the sign of Gemini (May 20 - June 20). It is the third of the Three Major Planetary Festivals. In 2019 it occurs Monday, June 17 at 1:31am PDT (08:31 UT). The energies released at the Goodwill Festival are forces of the Divine Will that affect the nations of the world. These reconstructive energies can increase the aspect of national life or they can increase the potency of the objectives of world unity, peace and progress. With the keynotes of goodwill and "humanity, aspiring to God," this festival is also observed as the Festival of the Spirit of Humanity, the Christ Festival, the Festival of Unification and World Invocation Day. [ Return to Top ]
Journey Toward Its Central Stars! Image: ESO/Stefan Gillessen et al.
Hmmm ... What would our Milky Way Galaxy look like with its bright central bulging heart, if we werent stuck inside and could see through the opaque dust with our normal vision? Nobody knows for sure. Two first good theories, based on many different types of observations, were Milky Way Illustrated and Barred Spiral Milky Way. These earlier versions have been replaced by the 6/3/08 findings, which show two major arms and two minor arms, not 4 major arms. Annotated 6/3/08 Milky Way In addition the stars and material of our galaxy, rather than neatly circling the galactic center as previous maps assumed, are surprisingly tracing an elliptical orbit. A 180-foot poster, the largest picture of the Milky Way was unveiled 6/3/08. See the Poster ~ Another View ~ Full Story: Astronomers update our galaxy's structure [ Return to Top ]
Each year the Goodwill Festival, also known as the Christ Festival, links us to the Heart of our Galaxy. Each year the cosmic Heart of the Milky Way blesses the Earth.
During Gemini with each Goodwill Festival there is a festival in the heavens. It occurs as the Full Moon enters the white ether of the Milky Way.
This is the place of reunion, of true kinship, the place of cosmic consciousness. It is a place within the galactic magnetic field. It is from here that we receive an exceptional spiritual outpouring into our hearts from the spiritual Sun, Sirius. This galactic magnetic field carries this blessing to ALL on Earth during this time. Its highest effect is world unity. Audio Version (1:16 minutes) Each Goodwill Festival Sagittarius, the centaur archer, points his arrow at both Antares, the red heart star of Scorpius, and the Goodwill Full Moon positioned at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, the family of 200 billion stars to which we and our Sun belong. Image The Milky Way is widest in Sagittarius and Scorpius because the great bulging central hub, the heart of our galaxy, also known as the galactic center, is in this direction.
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Ancient Archer Aims His Arrow ...
Image: Star
Gazer graphic made with east–left, west–right, north–top, south–bottom
The sweeping J-shape of Scorpius journeys along the southern horizon from east to west, and directly behind it follows the teapot-shaped asterism of Sagittarius. Review the map above. By 11:00pm the sprawling "J" shape of the cosmic Scorpion fully rises in the southeast. At 1:00am Scorpius lies south and by 4:00am it is setting in the west. Note: The light of Moon interferes with observing the constellation shapes. 3 Retrograde Planets In 2019 three planets are retrograde during the Goodwill lunar cycle (June 3-July 3).
A planet in retrograde motion is in a close approach to Earth, as a result it appears bigger and brighter than normal and has a strong effect on the consciousness of humanity. 3 planets retrograding during Wesak are bound to potently influence and transform us. Retrograde periods of are periods of “re": renewing, reflecting, restarting, re-evaluating, reviewing, revising, reworking, recharging, etc. Retrograde periods are a time to slow down and consider what changes are needed to create a truly meaningful life, the life that is in alignment with our innate essential Divinity
See Rise/Set Times ~ Major Bodies for your area. Vary the date and time of this San Francisco Sky Chart (mid-northern latitude chart) for any date and time (11:30pm = 23:30) to see a view of the whole sky beyond the veil of daylight or at night. Create a Sky Chart for your area ~ Interactive Sky Chart (now with PDF print option) See The
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Review map above for the location of Sagittarius, the Galactic Center (GC) and Antares in the constellation Scorpius. Use "Back" to return here. Each year Goodwill's "Galactic" Moon journeys through the bulging heart of our galaxy. During this transit the Moon first conjoins Antares and then our Galactic Center (GC). The Sagittarius the Archer aims his arrow toward the heart of our Milky Way Galaxy (GC) and red Antares, the transformative heart of the cosmic Scorpion, Scorpius. Sagittarius sees the vision for humanity and knows the way to go, toward the all-inclusive galactic heart, toward transformation and goodwill – the qualities of the 5th Spiritual Kingdom, which lead to the evolution of the 4th Human Kingdom so that all Children of God may celebrate.
Lunar Conjunction of Antares The lunar conjunction of Antares occurs in the constellation Scorpius. Scorpius influences a turning point in the life of humanity and in the life of the individual human being. It reorients the personality to the life of the soul and later to initiation and sensitivity to the Divine Plan. Scorpius is the burning ground and is synonymous with transformation. Antares, associated with awesome power that can be hideous or sublime, wields the Fire of God and gets one's evolutionary kundalini running! The Scorpion’s “rebellious” Antares and stinger make sure the governing vision of humanity is current, and both align humanity with the expansive, inclusive heart of our Milky Way Galaxy. 2.)
Lunar Conjunction of the Galactic Heart Special blessings pour out of the Galactic Heart for the Earth during this time. These energies draw us toward our spiritual source, stimulating the Principle of Goodwill and humanitys aspiration toward God. These energies support our greater wellbeing and evolutionary fulfillment. They offer us the opportunity to transcend our little selves and express our divinity in our everyday world. Note: The Galactic Center is located at 2º sidereal Sagittarius, which is 27º tropical Sagittarius. Sidereal refers to the constellation and tropical refers to the sign. To understand the difference between the signs and constellations click here. BTW: Our solar system rotates around the Galactic Center. At a distance of 26,000 light-years from the Galactic Center, the Solar System completes a Galactic orbit in about 226 million years. [ Return to Top ]
Each year the Goodwill lunar cycle activates the alignment that exists between Aldebaran, the star of enlightenment in the constellation Taurus, and Antares, the heart star of Scorpius. The New or young Moon lies near Aldebaran, while the Full or nearly Full Moon lies near Antares. Hmmm ... both stars are red in color. The Source of Life and Divine Will are associated with the color red.
The enlivening of the Aldebaran / Antares Axis during the Goodwill lunar cycle calls for re-evaluation, reform and removal of antiquated governing systems and personal habits that no longer nourish the eternal spirit. The emanations of the Aldebaran / Antares Axis assist the nations of the world in claiming their true power by meeting the needs of the people. [ Return to Top ]
The Festival of the Goodwill Full Moon is significant in that it brings an abundant tide of love for humanity to use as goodwill in establishing rightful world conditions. It marks a World Day of Invocation celebrating the collective aspiration of humanity to act in harmony with its highest spiritual goals. Meditate with the folks at SouledOut.org We at SouledOut.org encourage participation in the World Invocation Day Vigil. Just align with a moment of silence, use the The Great Invocation on the quarter hour, and know that countless others will be joining with you in this rhythm. Gemini
2019 Global Meditation Invite We suggest being in meditation at the exact time of the Full Moon, Monday, June 17 at 1:31am PDT (08:31 UT). If you are unable to do so, choose a time within 12 hours before or after to participate. Know that we at SouledOut.org will also join in this Global Meditation. You may also choose to utilize SouledOut's audio meditation. [ Return to Top ] As we again celebrate the spirit of humanity, dedicate ourselves to right human relations and align with the Will of God, our energies are being expanded to include all of humanity, the solar system, the galaxy and the Spiritual Kingdom! During the Goodwill Festival of Unification, the Archer, the Scorpion, the Heart of our Galaxy, the Aldebaran / Antares Axis, and the Gemini Twins are all evoking a new humanity. This aspiring humanity will undergo an initiation and evolution of the heart that will lead to a spiritually infused leadership in our world and a true healing of the nations. Free your mind, let go of outdated habits, and open your heart to the outpouring of this Festival's special blessings. Allow the will-to-good to enter your consciousness and affect the world. Gemini
and the Goodwill Festival
Goodwill can transform the world.
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