Gemini and
the Gemini ~ Creation of the Human Kingdom Gemini ~ Galactic and Solar Plane Constellation
The Goodwill Festival is a Full Moon Festival occurring during the sign of Gemini (May 20 - June 20). It celebrates the spirit of humanity and is aligned with the will of God. At this Festival the divine nature of humanity is recognized and called upon. This is a Festival of unity and deep invocation, of humanity aspiring toward its essential divinity and the establishment of right human relations. In 2019 the Goodwill Festival Full Moon occurs Monday, June 17 at 1:31am PDT (08:31 UT). The Goodwill lunar cycle begins June 3 and ends July 2.
The Gemini Twins Constellation Image: StarDate Online / Adobe Photoshop
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The emanations of Gemini keep the interplay of energies between dualities active and flowing so that eventually they reach synthesis and unity. Gemini is "the constellation of the resolution of duality into a fluid synthesis." Gemini is the constellation that forms a triangle with each pair of opposing constellations ... the 12 constellations can then synthesize and become the 6. The ongoing evolution of humanity's consciousness is dependent on the emanations of our zodiac, the wheel of Life, and fundamentally upon the synthesizing quality of the Gemini constellation. The Gemini Goodwill Festival is uniquely linked to humanity and spiritual aspiration. Why? It is said that the constellation Gemini along with its ruling planets and the Great Lodge were responsible for setting up the necessary stimulation and magnetic fields between the animal and spiritual kingdoms, which in turn produced individualization and the human kingdom. In other words, the human kingdom was born of the animal and spiritual kingdoms with the help of the fluid synthesizer, Gemini. Therefore, humans are inherently spiritual and born to aspire toward their divine nature. Humans were created from two kingdoms, animal and spiritual, and are thus a duality of spirit and form, of soul and personality. The constellation Gemini assists the human kingdom in the unification of these polarities, and in turn, humanity becomes whole and divine. Humanity's spiritual aspiration is enlivened during the sign of Gemini and potently activated during Gemini's Full Moon Festival of Unification. In addition, Gemini is the entrance for the energy of Sirius, which esoterically is the cosmic heart of our solar system's physical Sun.
The Love of Deity, Love-Wisdom, pours through Gemini into our solar system. Within humanity this Love stimulates right human relations and unity with the divine. It is said the Cosmic Christ, embodier of the Love aspect of Deity, appears on the golden triangle formed by Gemini (the head), the Great Bear (one foot) and the Pleiades (the other foot). Hearing the cry of the Mother (Virgo), the Seeker (Sagittarius) and the submerged fish (Pisces) the golden triangle morphs into the Mutable Cross. In the words of the Old Commentary:
The Cosmic Christ's eternal, golden triangle is forever present behind the fourfold phenomenal appearance of matter. It is the threefold flame burning in one's Sacred Heart – Divine Father, Divine Mother and the Christed Child. [ Return to Top ] In astrology Mercury, Venus and Earth are the rulers of Gemini. Mercury, the exoteric (personality) ruler of Gemini, conditions the personality life and creates Divine messengers. Its emanations first stimulate the concrete mind to distinguish between the self and not self. They then illuminate the higher mind creating a link between the personality and the Soul.
Venus, the esoteric (soul) ruler of Gemini, helps one to understand the causes and conditions of harmony and conflict and thereby lovingly and wisely unite the lower mind with the higher mind.
Venus is associated with the Pentecost. The Pentecost, celebrated 7 Sundays or 50 days after Easter, is intimately related to humanity's spiritual aspiration and Gemini's Goodwill Full Moon Festival. In 2019 Pentecost is celebrated June 9, eight days before the June Goodwill Full Moon Festival.
Earth is the hierarchical (spirit) ruler of Gemini.
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Galactic and solar system energies meet at the Gate of Man found at the foot of the Gemini Twin, Castor. It is here that the Galactic Equator (Milky Way Galaxy) intersects the ecliptic (path of our Sun and planets). Helpful Image Gemini is therefore both a galactic and solar plane constellation. The Gemini Twins, Castor (form / personality) and Pollux (spirit / soul), work hand-in-hand integrating cosmic galactic energies, spiritual / soulic energies, into our everyday Earth plane existence. In 2019 the young Moon, Mercury and Mars are located in the Gemini constellation. Review links in the Mercury discussion above and the links located just above this section. Note: It is said that the Gate of Man is the heavenly Gate through which Divine souls descend into human bodies. It is located in sidereal Gemini (the constellation at 5º) and tropical Cancer (the astrological sign at 0º). Opposite the Gate of Man lies the Gate of God, at 5º sidereal Sagittarius and 0º tropical Capricorn. Here Divine souls leave the body at death and return to the heavenly realms. Solar system energies and galactic energies intersect at both Gates. BTW: Galactic energies also play a prominent role during Gemini's Goodwill Full Moon Festival. This Festival's Full Moon always transits the bulging Heart of our Milky Way Galaxy, which is located in the constellations of Sagittarius and Scorpius. Galactic Center Map To learn more see the link below – Goodwill Festival and the Galactic Heart. [ Return to Top ] The birth of the Human Kingdom and its ongoing evolution are uniquely linked to the fluid synthesis of Gemini. Cosmic emanations of spiritual aspiration, cooperation, right relations, unity and a divine sense of the whole are focused through the constellation Gemini, and potently impress humanity during the sign of Gemini (May 20 - June 20) and its Goodwill Full Moon Festival. Tune to the cooperative Gemini Twins. Though opposites, representing the form (Castor) and spirit (Pollux), they innately work together for the benefit of the whole. They integrate galactic and Earth plane energies. United, they accomplish greater feats than either can alone. Imagine humankind within every nation uniting to express the divine potential that benefits all! Gemini
2019 Global Meditation Goodwill
Festival and the Galactic Heart
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