Our 13th Constellation
Visits Ophiuchus the Medicine Man Annually
November 30 December 17

Image: Club
the Serpent Bearer also
known as Aesculapius (pronunciation),
the first doctor of medicine, has the reputation of being the "thirteenth
constellation" of the zodiac. Each
year from November 30 to December 17 the
Sun journeys through the southern regions of this constellation. Ophiuchus
is large,
including Serpens Caput (the snakes head) and Serpens
Cauda (the snakes
tail) in his hands. This heavenly Medicine Man is located above, on
and actually crosses the ecliptic.
Scorpius lies below the feet of this
Serpent Bearer and below the ecliptic. Ophiuchus
is often shown with his left foot on the heart of the Scorpion and
his right foot above the stinger. Images 1, 2
… The
neck and head of the serpent reach toward the Northern Crown (Corona
Borealis) ... The entire image of Ophiuchus standing upon the scorpion
with the snake reaching for the Northern Crown [Image]
articulates the process of claiming our self-mastery ... to become
ascended in
as illumined beings free from karmic entrapment. Nick
Fiorenza 11/4/02
Each year,
as November ends and December begins, the Sun spends a substantial
amount of time transiting the legs of Ophiuchus, hence the claim it
is the "thirteenth constellation" of the zodiac, located between
Scorpius and Sagittarius. Images: Ophiuchus
Zodiac Wheel, 3
Dated Zodiacs, 3 Zodiac
Wheels The legs of Ophiuchus lie in sidereal Scorpio.
is knowledge holder over the raw creative forces governing life and
death--one who has attained ascension from the lower-order forces
that perpetuate our scenarios of (re-incarnational) entrapment. Ophiuchus
is exemplar of one who has mastered the initiatory forces of life
and who has brought the interplay of these forces to a greater spiritual
fulfillment. The neck (Unukalhai) and head of the snake embody the
essence and wisdom of living true to soul, in one's true self-mastery--as
a Christed (soul infused) being of light.
The astronomical
symbol of Ophiuchus is the caduceus--the entwined double serpent
upon a staff--the double helix of the DNA.
Fiorenza 12/12/04
The double
helix of the DNA and the caduceus always remind me of the kundalini serpent
fire within each of us. The
Subtle System

Nov.26 - Dec.25, 2019
Ending an Era
At the Head of the Scorpion and the Hand of Ophiuchus
2019 ...
... Lunar
Cycle [Nov.26-Dec.25] occurs amongst the potent and passion-inducing
stars of the Scorpion,
the totem of transformation, metamorphosis,
death, and rebirth and under the auspices of Ophiuchus ... the overseer
of the Scorpion ... delineat[ing] the mastery of the metamorphic processes
the Scorpion represents. This lunar cycle and the personal transformation
it impels demarcates the "Ending of an Era" ... This New
Moon conjoins ... Dschuba and the stars forming the Scorpion's head
[they] impel a graduation in consciousness ... tak[ing] responsibility
for our life experience, our actions, and their results ...
... Yed, the hand
holding the Serpent coiled around the body of Ophiuchus, conjoins
the Head of the Scorpion. Yed, referred to as "the hand
of death," ... reveal[s] that something must die, an entire modality
of being, the self-important façade we use to justify our entrapments
in life. Yed impels us to ... apply the creative forces of life to
attain the greater freedom ... which the Serpent reaching for the Northern
Crown represents.
[Helpful Images: #1, #2]
Nearby Han, the left knee of Ophiuchus and the stars forming the
left leg of Ophiuchus, delineate the actualization of this transmutational
process. They impel us to establish a stance in life based on the
that we create our reality and that it is our responsibility to
apply our creative potential to create the lives we want.
Fiiorenza / November 26, 2019, Lunar Cycle
and Summary
legs of Ophiuchus stand in the burning ground of Scorpius the
Fiery forces from Antares, the Scorpion's red heart star, ensure
growth evolution and change. The stinger of Scorpius guarantees we
stay awake and
on the
divine path of transformation.
is the exemplar of one who has attained self-mastery, illumination
and evolutionary freedom. He is the overseer of the Scorpion, and his
left hand firmly lifts and holds the neck and head of the serpent toward
the heavenly Northern Crown (Corona Borealis).
the burning heart of our solar system, along with the fires of Scorpius
are initiating, inspiring, impressing and bio-illuminating us with
the self-mastery of Ophiuchus. These heavenly beings are bound to ignite
the life-changing kundalini serpent
fire within humanity.
What are these great celestial beings telling you? What must die? What
must heal? What must be changed and created personally, nationally
and globally to serve the evolution of consciousness and humanity's
spiritual development?
These great
beings are teaching us who we really are, Homo
I offer
the following links for further pondering, if so desired.
Sun ~ Scorpio ~ Antares 
our Sun transits this area of the sky, November
30 through December 17, take time each day to feel its warm
rays touching you.
that these solar rays are a medicinal elixir imbued with the healing
energies and mastery of Ophiuchus the Medicine Man, the evolutionary
influences of a new lunar cycle, Antares and Scorpius the Scorpion.
time to listen while
absorbing the warm rays of the Sun. This type of sunbathing is
bound to give you a new outlook on Life! At
our deepest level
we are all essentially
Take time on any day to
acknowledge and act on this
Give thanks that we are all
spiritual beings having human experiences.
Give thanks that we can help
each other create the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

like to know your thoughts about The Night Sky ...
send me an email.
May your Night Sky traveling always be filled
with Celestial Delights and Treats!
Susan Sun
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