

Zen Ping Pong
An Active Meditation


What is Zen Ping Pong?

One of many paths to Peace and Happiness. The Zone. Play. It's about Re-creation. And Cooperation. Life is a dance of back and forth. Achieving equilibrium is the goal.

Ping Pong as a meditation path moves you into the Zone. Playing cooperatively achieves Balance.

Only One Rule:
Keep returning the ball with expert delivery. No competition with the other.

20 minutes to Play,
            20 minutes to Reset the day.
                            20 minutes to the Zone.

Keep it going, don't drop it!

No other rules; no scores. Have fun. Be ruthless with a smile. Honor each skilled return. Laugh deeply. Praise the other's effort, even as it's impossible to return their play. Learn from the other, develop your skill. Laugh some more, and loudly. Move swiftly. Keep the ball going, playing the ball's bounce off the floor. Return their slam, return it again ~ it is possible, once again!

Returns well done is Zen Ping Pong; it's good for a body and it's good for the soul.

Zen Ping Pong, anyone?

* Susenisha


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Background appropriated and adapted from
Osel Shen Phen Ling Tibetan Buddhist Center