To listen: Click on the link in this list of available audio clips to navigate, or else you can scroll below to read the words, and link from there to each of the audio programs.
Hints: These audio clips are available here in MP3 format. If you are unable to hear them when you click the title, either above or with the words given, below, you probably need to set your preferred application within your browser. And, if your browser creates an interfering window when you click to listen, you should be able to bring this window forward to follow the words, while the clips play. Two
recommended softwares are available for download by linking to
them from here: 1. Stars to Stardust (0:25) From
stars to stardust to Mother Earth
Death is the secret whisper that moves all Life!
2. Conscious Death, an Ordered Process (0:34) As humanity becomes soul conscious, death will be seen as an ordered process, carried out in full consciousness and with an understanding of cyclic purpose. Death is not a closed door, it's an open oneand we go through it. Conscious living leads to conscious dying.
3. Technique for Transition: Out of Darkness into Light (2:22) Let us begin to control our passing over to the other side, and to understand somewhat the technique of transition. Learn as you sleep to withdraw your consciousness to the head. Don't just allow yourself to drift off to sleep. Instead relax your toes, feet, calves, knees, steadily moving upwards finally drawing your attention and consciousness to the top of your head. Record and watch all phenomena connected with the withdrawing process. You may awake with a startle because your consciousness is passing through a web which is not adequately clear or through an orifice which is partially closed. You may hear an intensely loud snap. This is caused by the vital airs in the head and the registering of sounds always present but not usually heard. You may see light, clouds of color, or banners and streamers of violet, all of which are etheric phenomena. Continue this practice over a period of years. One who has learned to consciously handle their body as they fall asleep will have less difficulty when the moment for the soul's departure arrives. Lead
us from the unreal to the real.
4. No Longer Know Death (1:19) Death is essentially a matter of consciousness. We are conscious one moment on the physical plane, and a moment later we have withdrawn onto another plane and are actively conscious there. Just as long as our consciousness is identified with the form, death will hold for us its ancient terror. Just as soon as we know ourselves to be souls, and find that we are capable of focusing our consciousness or sense of awareness in any form or on any plane at will, or in any direction within the form of God, we shall no longer know death.
5. As Birds Fly (0:28) As
birds fly together to summer realms, so souls unite in flight.
6. I Will Fly (1:03) I fly up from you, o men. I am not for the earth; I am for the sky. I have soared to the sky as a heron; I have kissed the sky as a falcon. I am the essence of a god, the son of a god, the messenger of a god. Behold, the faithful and loving Osiris has come as the stars of Orion, the beautiful one. I have come that I may glorify Orion. My soul is a star of gold, and with him, I will traverse the sky ... forever.
Living with Death's
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